Project Karema - Postdoc Opportunities in Kaiserslautern, 2-10 December 2017, Germany

Publish Date: Jul 12, 2017

Deadline: Jul 31, 2017

Meet First Class Scientists for First Class Funding

What is the project karema about?

The basic idea of the project karema is to support a Principal Investigator-Postdoc matching by bringing together top-class researchers from Kaiserslautern  and highly qualified international young researchers (Postdocs).

The key step towards creating your postdoctoral research project within karema consists of a short on-site stay in Kaiserslautern (the “karema Days”). During the karema Days, you will meet with a first-rate researchers in a match-making workshop, have an individual research counseling with him/her in order to advance your research project that will hopefully bring you back to Kaiserslautern.

Your benefits:

  • Boost your research career.
  • Postdoctoral research in the internationally renowned research centers of Kaiserslautern.
  • Individual counseling by top-class scientists.
  • Exclusive scientific exchange and international networking at an outstanding research center.

International Postdocs may apply for the karema Days (2nd to 10th December 2017) in Kaiserslautern.

Deadline for applications: 31st July 2017.

Within karema, you can apply for one of the following three research fields, in which renowned scientists of Kaiserslautern are doing research:

  • Mathematical Modelling in the Engineering Sciences.
  • Membrane Biology and Systems Biology.
  • Optics and Material Sciences.

The Karema project was awarded the Start-Up Prize of International Research Marketing and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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