Norwegian University of Life Sciences PhD Fellowship Within Nature Based Tourism 2017, Norway

Publish Date: May 25, 2017

Deadline: Jun 09, 2017

About the program:

The Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant 3 year PhD–position within nature based tourism.

The Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) has about 180 employees and undertakes teaching, research and dissemination within the fields of geology, soil science, environmental chemistry, forestry, biology and ecology, natural resource management, renewable energy, nature based tourism. The faculty has ca. 600 students, and approximately 90 PhD-students. The employees of the faculty are significant participants in their respective fields of expertise, both nationally and internationally and have a high level of scientific production.

Due to successful research and growing interest in the master program, MINA now seeks applicants for a PhD research fellow position in wildlife tourism. Wildlife tourism covers several possible research directions which are open for consideration to this position. Applicants are requested to write a proposed project plan. This plan should take a quantitative methods approach to the demand side of wildlife tourism in a Scandinavian context. It should include, but is not limited to, non-consumptive wildlife tourism. The description could also include one or several of the following themes:

  • market segments and preferences for wildlife tourism products
  • social norms and tourist behavior towards wildlife
  • level of specialization among wildlife tourists
  • tourist’s contribution to sustainable use of wildlife resources
  • conflicts in wildlife tourism

Academic qualifications:

The applicant must meet the conditions defined for admission to a PhD programme at NMBU. The applicant must have an academically relevant education corresponding to a five-year Norwegian degree programme, where 120 credits are at master's degree level. The applicant should master both spoken and written English. The applicant must have a documented strong academic background from previous studies, and be able to document proficiency in both written and oral English. For more detailed in-formation on the admission criteria please see the  PhD Regulations and the relevant PhD programme description.

Nature-based tourism is an interdisciplinary study field including natural resource management, outdoor recreation and tourism development, thereby integrating social sciences and natural sciences. For this position, MINA emphasizes academic experience from:

  • wildlife tourism;
  • consumer/recreation behavior; and/or
  • entrepreneurship in a nature-based tourism context.

Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Academic skills
  • Knowledge of wildlife tourism and the nature-based tourism sector, including theories and research methods for these fields.
  • Good skills in quantitative methods for social sciences.
  • Good skills in English.
  • Knowledge of a Scandinavian language is an advantage

Desired personal qualities

Personal characteristics important for the position are:

  • High working capacity and ability to work both in teams and independently
  • High motivation for research training
  • Curiosity for new fields of science and interest in learning new skills
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral
  • Analytical skills

NMBU offers:

  • An academic institution with a strong focus on environmental sciences and dedication to professional development, dissemination and competence.
  • An interdisciplinary and inclusive environment that offers exciting research and development opportunities.
  • An attractive benefits package and welfare schemes.
  • Attractive combination of rural surrounding and proximity to Norway’s capital city, Oslo.
  • Opportunities for outdoor activities with access to excellent hiking areas around Oslo and proximity to the Oslofjord.

Application deadline: 

Applications should be written in English and include (electronically) a letter of intent, a 2-4 pages project draft, curriculum vitae, full publication list, copies of degree certificates and transcripts of academic records (all certified), and a list of two persons who may act as references (with phone numbers and e-mail addresses).

The project draft should include Introduction, problem statement & research questions, methods, short outline of 3 possible articles for the thesis, and references. Use font Times new roman, 12 point, single spacing).

Publications should be included electronically within the application deadline.

Printed material that cannot be sent electronically should be sent by surface mail to Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management P.O. Box 5003, NO-1432 Ås, within 09.06.2017. Please quote reference number 17/00497

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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