Multi Professional Cooperation in Stroke Management
Multiprofessional cooperation becomes increasingly important in the healthcare sector. Effective coordination and collaboration amongst practitioners is vital to the delivery of good care to patients with a complex pattern of symptoms. In the future more patients will suffer from chronic, and in many cases complex, illnesses. So, cooperation between professionals is going to become more and more necessary.
This course creates a learning situation in which multi professional cooperation can be practiced by students from different faculties and subjects, working together on the same cases – especially, the treatment of patients after stroke (cerebral vascular accident, CVA).
The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the preparation and conduct of multi professional or multidisciplinary round with a view to producing a treatment or care plan. We use the ICF-model (International classification of functioning, disability and health, for this. Next to these multi disciplinary rounds students learn how to give a presentation.
Students will learn not just to look beyond the boundaries of their own profession, but even across national borders, as the course takes the form of a summer school and is open to international participants.
During the summer school we follow the natural course of stroke, from the acute phase, rehabilitation phase till the chronic phase. A lot of professionals, who work daily with stroke patients, share their experiences with the students in lectures and workshops. We will visit a hospital or rehab centre, talk to stroke survivors, and use a lot of different cases (mostly on video).
Before the summer school starts, students need to do some preparatory assignments. To guarantee the multidisciplinary aspect of the course we will make a selection. Your written down motivation will help us in making a selection.
Please note: As most of the assignments are done in groups, performance on the course will be evaluated by pass/fail, which can be translated to C /D for international students. Marks >C cannot be obtained.
Course director
Target audience
Course aim
One competency is central: the ability to prepare, conduct and evaluate multi disciplinary rounds.
That should result in:
1. a multi professional assessment or treatment plan;
2. a coherent referrals policy within the care chain
Study load
During the summer school there are lectures and workshops in the morning. These are done in multi professional groups and are moderated by a tutor.
In the afternoon the students do their preparation for the next day (without a tutor). The assignments can be individually or done by a group, either mono or multi professionally.
Since we work in groups, no individual grades are given.
Housing through Utrecht Summer School
This course is free of charge for HU students.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: