Distinguished Professor Grant 2017, Sweden

Publish Date: Mar 06, 2017

Deadline: Mar 21, 2017

The aim of the Distinguished Professors Grant programme is to create conditions for the most distinguished researchers to conduct long-term, innovative research with great potential to achieve scientific breakthroughs.

The grant will also promote the establishment and development of a research environment of highest quality.


The grant is open to individual researchers. You will be the project leader and scientific supervisor and your active participation in the project must equal at least 50 per cent of a full-time equivalent. You must hold a Swedish doctoral degree or an equivalent foreign degree awarded more than 12 years before the deadline of this call.

The grant will be administered by a Swedish HEI, or another public organisation in Sweden that fulfils the Swedish Research Council’s requirements for administrating organisations. Please note that you will not be able to apply unless your organisation is an approved administrating organisation.

If you are awarded funding, you must be employed by the administrating organisation when the grant period begins unless the Swedish Research Council, the administrating organisation or another employer (where applicable) agree otherwise. The employment must equal at least 50 per cent of a full-time equivalent. You do not have to be employed by the administrating organisation when the application is submitted.

Career age

You may apply for a Distinguished Professor Grant if your doctoral degree was awarded more than 12 years before the deadline of this call, that is, awarded 21 March 2005 or earlier. The date of issue will be considered to be the point in time when all the requirements were fulfilled (for example mandatory courses, the oral defence of the doctoral thesis and the approved doctoral thesis). You will not be able to finalise your application if your doctoral degree was awarded at a later date.

Number of applications and previous grants

What grants may I apply for simultaneously from the Swedish Research Council?

You may only submit one application for this grant under this call for applications. Other restrictions in regard to what grants you may apply for during the same year are shown in the table below.

Participating researchers

You may not include any participating researchers in this application. Any collaboration partners and their roles shall be presented in the research plan (see instructions under Research plan below).

Costs and grant funding

The grant consists of a flat rate amount of 5 million SEK per year, including indirect costs. The grant may be used to cover all kinds of project-related costs, such as salaries (including your own salary, which must correspond to no more than your dedicated time in the project), premises costs, operating costs (such as consumables, travel costs including visits to research centres, publishing costs and minor equipment) and depreciation costs. The grant may not be used for scholarships. If a doctoral student takes part in the project, the grant may not be used to pay for his/her teaching hours.

The Swedish Research Council expects the administrating organisation to cover any cost exceeding the awarded amount.

Grant period

The grant is awarded for a period of ten years, starting from 2018. The first payment is made in January 2018 at the earliest.

Reporting and monitoring

Five years after the grant period start, a mandatory activity report focusing on the progress of the establishment and development of the research environment will be called for. This activity report also comprises an account of the HEI’s contribution to the environment and may result in revised grant amounts for the remaining grant period.

What must the application contain? 

Please familiarise yourself with the application form in Prisma at the same time as you read through the instructions below.


The scientific assessment of the applications is done by foreign peer reviewers. To guarantee a well-functioning procedure and a level playing field in the review process, we therefore ask you to submit your application in English.

Application subsections

The application form contains the following tabs:

  • Descriptive data
  • Establishment and development plan of research
  • Budget and research resources
  • Publications
  • Letter of support
  • Administrating organisation
  • Review panels
  • Participants (only administrators in this call)
  • CV

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below. 

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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