Workshop/CfP - Causal Analyses of School Reforms, 30 Septrmber - 1 October 2021, Germany

Publish Date: May 31, 2021

Deadline: Jul 31, 2021

Event Dates: from Sep 30, 2021 12:00 to Oct 01, 2021 12:00

Workshop on Causal Analyses of School Reforms

On 30 September and 1 October 2021,  the WZB and the ifo Center for the Economics of Education will jointly host the second PhD Workshop on “Causal Analyses of School Reforms”. After a first fruitful PhD workshop in fall 2020, the second EffEE PhD workshop again is aimed at PhD students from the field of educational research who are investigating the effects of reforms in the school system using causal analysis. A total of 12 PhD students will have the opportunity to discuss their results but also their conceptual considerations with experts in the context of paper presentations. The workshop serves as preparation for the EffEE conference in Munich (spring 2022, CfP will follow in autumn 2021).

The workshop will focus on a better understanding of which education policies can contribute to improving the efficiency and equity of education systems in the face of fundamental challenges of our time (e.g. technological and demographic change, lack of social cohesion). We invite submissions that use convincing evaluation methods to estimate reform effects on short-run achievement or long-run life-course outcomes of affected students. Reform aspects under study may include different aspects of the length, structure, financing, curriculum, instruction, and examination of schooling.

We are particularly interested in contributions using differences-in-differences type of analyses that exploit differences in the timing of reform implementation across regions within a country and in papers focusing on reforms of what is actually going on inside schools in terms of the content of school activities.

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