IUBH University of Applied Sciences Online Scholarships for International Students 2020, Germany

Publish Date: Aug 23, 2020

Deadline: Nov 01, 2020

IUBH Scholarships

Looking to join us as an international online student for our exciting distance learning offer?

IUBH gives you the opportunity to apply for a scholarship, in case you are eligible. Therefore we offer different types of scholarships, that respect your cultural, educational or work background. Based on this, IUBH will calculate the level of personal scholarship. All you have to do is to make use of our Scholarship Calculator and wait for our student recruitment team to get back to you with your final result.

(Be aware that our scholarships are not available to students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland)


Student Recruitment Team

Reach out to us personally: +49 30 311 987 20*

*Monday to Friday from 7 am to 7 pm gmt +1, Saturday 8 am to 4 pm gmt +1


What is your background?

IUBH Online wants to make it possible for anyone to take their chance in life. That’s why we offer strong regional scholarships, that can vary in terms of cultural, social, educational or work experience background.

  • Women in Leadership and Management:
    This scholarship is for female applicants who can demonstrate leadership and management potential in a global business environment both with extraordinary academic merits and with an established record of accomplishment of excellence in their chosen career.
  • STEM/MINT Professionals:
    Students with a proven outstanding career achievement in a technical field that will contribute to the peer learning experience at IUBH.
  • Future Entrepreneur:
    Students who possess the entrepreneurial spirit and have proven track record of starting or bring part of a start-up. They will demonstrate the achievements and challenges they have faced.
  • Academic:
    Students who either attained outstanding results in their previous academic programmes, while also demonstrating proof of high achievement. From these students we expect valuable contribution to class discussions and team building.
  • Online Learner:
    Students who can show that they have completed an online programme, whether a short or long programme. This shows IUBH that they are keen online learners and will thrive in the online degree.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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