Residential Research Fellowship Program 2020, Gandhi Research Foundation, India

Publish Date: May 15, 2020

Deadline: Jun 30, 2020

Residential Research Fellowship Program

The Gandhi Research Foundation (GRF) is an academic and rural welfare-promotion institution, aiming at sustainable living through applied research. Intent on becoming a dynamic centre of Gandhian research and allied activities, a Residential Research Fellowship Program is being initiated to coincide with the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, and will be expanded during the next 3-5 years. The GRF, with its comprehensive library and archival collections, complemented by excellent board and lodging facilities, provides an environment congenial for conducting intensive applied research by an annually selected team of 5 national and international scholars, activists, social-workers, and public figures, during a residential fellowship extending from three to six months (with the possibility of further extension and continuation in subsequent years).

The proposed Thrust Areas of Applied Research are as follows:

• To achieve: Rural regeneration, economic sustainability, skill development, employment creation

• To minimise: Social-economic inequalities and gender imbalance

• To contribute towards: Caste and communal harmony

• To facilitate: Educational innovation

• To promote: Health and nutrition revitalisation

• To tackle: Environmental challenges

• To strengthen: Nonviolent conflict resolutions in India and globally.

The Research Fellow should ideally choose to work on one, or at the most two, of these Thrust Areas, or alternatively on an allied research field of contemporary relevance, adopting an interdisciplinary empirical, applied and constructive approach. This should be articulated in a research proposal, highlighting the project’s significance for advancing Gandhian studies along with its innovative potential, as well as underscoring the researcher’s expertise in the field and his/her goal orientation.

Terms and Conditions of the Research Fellowship

A. The Research Fellow will agree to:

1. Offer seminars to a select audience and to deliver a public lecture on the selected research topic;

2. Participate in and help organise academic events;

3. Submit research results to the Dean of Research for peer review;

4. Acknowledge the support received from the GRF for the research in the forthcoming publication;

5. Comply with the general rules and regulations of the GRF campus.

B. The Research Fellow will be provided by the GRF with:

1. Free board and lodging during the research period;

2. A stipend of Rs.15, 000 to Rs. 30, 000 per month, depending on the candidate’s qualification;

Free access to library, archival and other resources with proper authorization;

Local travel support for field work, if required.


• Postdoctoral researcher/Doctoral student or Post–graduate in any discipline;

• If the candidate is an activist: working experience (3–5 years) with grassroots and community organizations, social movements, or in the above–mentioned thrust areas.

How to apply

Persons, interested in evaluating – through interdisciplinary and applied research – the relevance of Gandhian solutions for tackling contemporary problems and crises, primarily in India, but also affecting the global community, are encouraged to submit their applications, comprising a research proposal (max. 5000 words), as outlined above, along with detailed bio-data (underscoring academic performance, publications, social-work/professional experience), and testimonials by 2 referees.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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