Designed to emphasize higher cognitive functions and their underlying neural circuit mechanisms, the course aims at training talented and highly motivated students and postdoctoral fellows from Asia and around the world. We welcome both applicants with quantitative backgrounds (including Physics, Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science) and those with experimental backgrounds. The lectures will introduce the basic concepts and methods, as well as cutting-edge research on higher brain functions such as decision-making, attention, learning and memory. Modeling will be taught at multiple levels, ranging from single neuron computation and microcircuits up to large-scale systems and machine-learning approaches. Python-based programming labs coordinated with the lectures will provide practical training in important computational methods.


The application deadline for the 2019 edition of the Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience Summer School is March 8.

The summer school is highly competitive and we limit the class size to ensure a good instructor-to-student ratio. We strive for a diverse class each year and balance student backgrounds, so we encourage applications from students from any background and especially applications from countries with lower academic profiles. Student selection is based on overall fit for the summer school. Therefore, in addition to your CV, you will be asked to submit a personal statement explaining why this course is a particularly good match for you.

Regular pricing (including tuition, board and lodging): 1950 USD  

The admissions process is need-blind. Your financial situation will not be considered before admission decisions are made. If accepted, you will be asked to complete a financial aid request form to describe any assistance you may need. The summer school will help offset the costs of attending the summer school to students in need, normally by waiving some or all of the costs  of tuition, room and board. While we cannot guarantee financial support to any individuals, in the past we have been able to provide a significant number of waivers.

You will need to submit the following documents through the form linked at the bottom of this page:

Curriculum Vitae (Required, 5MB maximum)
Submit an up-to-date CV.

Statement/Essay (Required, 1000 words maximum)
Submit a personal statement that explains why you want to attend this course. In the essay let us know something about your background, why this is the appropriate time for you to attend the summer school and what you hope to gain from the course. Please do not repeat details from your CV. Instead, summarize your prior research and your research goals. Please also describe your previous experience with neuroscience data; your general knowledge of programming languages; your familiarity with Python.

Coursework or Transcript (Required, 5 MB maximum)

Submit a list of relevant coursework (e.g. neuroscience, mathematics, programming) with grades, or submit a transcript.

Two letters of Recommendation (Required, 5MB maximum)
Please submit two letters of recommendation. These letters can be submitted directly by the applicant (PDF format, 5MB maximum). Alternatively, blind recommendations (not seen by the applicant) can be submitted by providing the name and email address of the recommender. For blind recommendations, please notify the recommender to expect an email containing the instructions for submitting their reference.

Applicants will be notified by email of selection decisions.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.