10th International Scientific Conference
The Faculty of Security-Skopje, the oldest academic institution in former Yugoslavia in the field of security studies plans to organize its tenth international scientific conference "The Great Powers influence on the security of small states in June 2019. Each year the Faculty organizes an international conference in the field of security studies traditionally held in Ohrid. It is the biggest academic conference in the Western Balkans that focuses on various security issues. At the tenth conference to be held in 23.06-25.06.2019 in Hotel Metropol, we will discuss the following topics:
-Geostrategic interests and political influences
-New security challenges and asymmetric threats
-Global movements and changing policies
The Conference mission is to encourage the academic community and practitioners in the field of security to exchange knowledge based on scientific methods for security research, and to use the experiences from practice so as to attribute a scientific and research quality to them.
The Conference goal is to gather valid and scientifically verified findings that will enable the implementation of a rational and acceptable solution within the security system reforms.
Scientific and social justification
The international scientific conference will contribute to the analysis of the security situation and the security challenges.
About the Conference
Accepted and presented papers will be published in Conference Proceedings. Working languages of the Conference are English and Macedonian.
All required information related to the Conference will be sent to the authors via e-mail and published on the Conference webpage.
The topics are the following:
- Geopolitical conflict of concepts, interests and ideologies in the region: Euro- Atlantic vs. Euro- Asian integration;
- Russian influence in the Balkans- destabilizing threat or factor for economic growth;
- Turkish foreign and security policy in the Balkans;
- One belt One road- China between economic promotion and democratic obstacle;
- The role of USA in the Balkans in the era of President Tramp;
- German strategic interests in the region;
- Radicalism and the Balkans;
- Security between strategies and red lines in the Balkans;
- The role of non-state actors in the security of Southeast Europe;
- Hybrid threats as new challenges for security;
- Migration, human rights, political and security risks for small states;
- The role of the rule of law in the balance between justice and security in international relations;
- Contemporary forms of crime as a global threat;
- Capacity strengthening of small states and the capacity for fighting corruption and organized crime;
Please fill out the application form by clicking APPLY ONLINE button below.
The deadline for submission of the abstract is 27th January 2019.
The deadline for submission of the entire paper is 7th March 2019.
All papers which will be approved and presented on the Conference will be published in a special electronic edition
Working languages of the Conference are English and Macedonian
All required information related to the Conference will be sent to the authors on their electronic e-mails and will be published on the webpage of the Conference.