Brocher Foundation Researchers Residency 2020 - Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of New Medical Developments, Switzerland

Publish Date: Nov 29, 2018

Deadline: Jan 13, 2019

The Brocher Foundation is inviting junior and senior Researchers to submit proposals for a 1.5 day multidisciplinary symposium project on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of new medical developments.

The Brocher Foundation will host the event on the following periods: between February and April or between July and October 2020.

Excepted the travel reimbursements which will be directly arranged by the organizers, the Brocher Foundation will be responsible for all the logistics, according to its standard.

The call will close on Sunday 13 January 2019, midnight GMT.



1. The Brocher Foundation covers the costs of 12 speakers (including a minimum of 6 coming from European countries). Please see details below.

2. More speakers may also be added if their costs are covered by external funds and their accommodation arranged. Local speakers may also be invited.

3. The number of participants must be within a range of 20 to 40. A registration fee of 155 Swiss francs is requested per each participant.

Both visiting researchers and staff of the Brocher Centre have the possibility to attend the symposium if they wish.

Travel grant

The Brocher Foundation offers a grant up to a maximum of 7’000 Swiss francs to cover the travel expenses of 12 speakers.

a) The grant covers only travel costs and cannot be allocated to other costs.

b) 3'500 Swiss francs will be paid when the proposal is selected for implementation.

The applicants will have to submit a financial report maximum 60 days after the end of the event. It will have to include a summary and receipts of the travel and dinner expenses of each sponsored speaker (maximum 2 pages).

As soon as the Brocher Foundation receives the required documents, the remaining amount will be paid.

c) If the grant amount is not fully spent by the applicants, the credit balance will be saved by the Foundation.

d)  The grant only covers round trip economy class plane or train tickets to Geneva.

e) The Foundation will request the refund of the 3’500 Swiss francs if the symposium is cancelled.


The Brocher Foundation provides 12 speakers with 2 nights in a hotel or at the Foundation. Costs for any extra nights and/or additional persons (e.g. spouse) must be covered by the speakers.


50 Swiss francs per speaker are offered to cover the dinner the eve of the symposium (for the 12 sponsored speakers only).The applicants will have to directly reimburse the speaker with the grant.

This additional grant will be paid when the proposal is selected for implementation.


In case of acceptance of your proposal, the Brocher Foundation will ask you to provide:

  • a list of minimum ten persons interested in the field of your symposium.

  • a short bio and an abstract for each speaker (downloadable on the Brocher extranet).

The Brocher Foundation reserves the right to record and/or film the symposium for any future use.


The applicants have to submit, within a maximum of 60 days after the end of the event:

- a scientific report about the achievement of the application objectives and the symposium results (downloadable on the Brocher extranet).

- a financial report. It will have to include a summary and receipts of the travel and dinner expenses of each sponsored speaker (maximum 2 pages).

- a hotel report (downloadable on the Brocher extranet).


4 shuttle buses will be scheduled. They will cover the transfers between the hotel to the Brocher Foundation and vice versa (first day) and from the hotel to Brocher Foundation and from the Brocher Foundation to the airport (second day).


Speakers will not receive any fee for their presentations.

Registration fee

155 Swiss francs have to be covered by each participant to attend the meeting.

Brocher sponsored speakers are exempt from it.


Participants are responsible for securing their own insurance policy in case of illness, accident or repatriation which could occur during their stay in Switzerland.


The Brocher Foundation considers the possibility of supporting a publication resulting from the symposium on the following conditions:

1. The excellence of the publication proposal.

2. The publication timeline.

3. Acknowledgment of the Brocher Foundation support and the appearance of the Brocher Foundation logo on the cover of the book or publication (upon previous agreement with the Foundation).

4. The Brocher Foundation should receive 2 copies of the publication.

5. The presentation of the following text with the publication:

The Brocher Foundation mission is to encourage a research on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of new medical technologies. Its main activities are to host visiting researchers and to organize symposia, workshops and summer or winter academies. 

If you wish to receive this additional support (this is not automatic) you should send maximum 3 months after the end of the symposium a proposal that would include: the content description, the type of publication (article, book, etc.), the publisher name, the amount requested (maximum 2 000 CHF), the additional supports, the author’s name and a precise timeline of the project. The proposal should have a maximum of two A4 pages. The Brocher Foundation contribution to a publication is paid directly to the publishing house after having received an invoice and cannot cover writing, editing or administrative costs. The publication has to be finalized within a maximum of two years.


Owing to the high volume of applications, the Brocher Foundation is regrettably unable to provide individual feedback.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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