Call for Applications for Women's STEM Award 2019

Publish Date: Nov 15, 2018

Deadline: Nov 30, 2018

Women’s STEM Award 2019

It's time again! Female MINT students from all over the world have the chance to apply for the Women's MINT Award 2019 with their Bachelor's or Master's thesis in a MINT subject. It's worth participating. 3,000 euros in prize money await the best (inter)national work! In addition, there is 500 euros per growth field for the author of the best work.

Are you on the finishing line with your MINT thesis or have you already completed it? Your work deals with one of the growth areas: Cloud, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security or Networks of the Future? Bingo: Then don't hesitate and send us your thesis until 17 March 2019. We're looking forward to it!

  • First prize: 3.000 Euro, additional prizes: 5 x 500 Euro
  • Theses on strategic growth areas: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security or Networks of the Future

Application period: 30.11.2018 to 17.03.2019 via our online Challenge Platform 

The following individuals are eligible to participate:

  • Students and graduates of STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) of all universities worldwide.
  • Your thesis (Bachelor / Master thesis or diploma thesis) can be written in English or German. The thesis has been submittet within the last 18 months.


The most convincing piece of work from one of the growth areas will be awarded 3.000 Euros.

In addition, each growth area will be awarded 500 Euros.

A jury of experts will review all of the papers submitted and select the winning pieces of work until 10.05.2019.We will inform the winners in writing and invite them to our major award ceremony in May 2018.

Students and graduates of STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) are entitled to take part. Your thesis can be written in English, German or any other European language. The thesis has been submitted within the last 18 months.

Furthermore, a CV and form document have to be handed in. Those documents should be written either in English or in German.

Students or university graduates who are in direct contact with the expert jury or are currently writing or have previously written a thesis in collaboration with Deutsche Telekom AG are not eligible to take part.

  • Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things has long been more than just an abstract vision. Market researchers estimate that by 2020 some 30 billion "things" worldwide, such as elevators, cars and refrigerators, will be connected via the Internet. Solutions from the Industrial Internet allow companies to automate workflows, optimize supply chains by using intelligent software, and deploy their machinery safely and efficiently. We look forward to hearing about how you tackle the topic!

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Machine learning, thinking robots and intelligent navigation: in the growth field of Artificial Intelligence, we are looking for scenarios for, and analyses of, the use of artificial intelligence in every sphere of life. What might AI mean for medicine and care, and what might it bring to logistics or the automotive industry? What are the opportunities and risks? Surprise us with a piece of work that pushes the boundaries of possibility!

  • Cyber Security

    Attacks on the information infrastructures in cyber space are becoming increasingly complex and professional. At the same time, companies, state and citizens grow ever more dependent on IT, and so the potential for damage increases accordingly. Cyber security extends the area of activity of traditional IT security to cover all of cyber space. This makes modern information and communication technology practically in its entirety part of cyber space.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below. 

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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