Dan David Prize International Scholarships for Doctoral and Post-doctoral Researchers 2019

Publish Date: Oct 27, 2018

Deadline: Mar 10, 2019


The Dan David Prize is an international award, endowed by the Dan David Foundation and headquartered at Tel Aviv University.

The Dan David Prize recognizes and encourages innovative and interdisciplinary research that cuts across traditional boundaries and paradigms. It aims to foster universal values of excellence, creativity, justice, democracy, and progress and to promote the scientific, technological and humanistic achievements that advance and improve our world. 

The Dan David Prize covers three time dimensions - Past, Present, and Future - that represent realms of human achievement. Each year the International Board chooses one field within each time dimension. Following a review process of individuals nominated for the Prize, by independent Review Committees comprised of renowned scholars and professionals, the International Board then chooses the laureates for each field. 

The Past refers to fields that expand knowledge of former times.
The Present recognizes achievements that shape and enrich society today.
The Future focuses on breakthroughs that hold great promise for improvement of our world.

Three prizes of one million US dollars each are granted annually in the fields chosen for the three time dimensions. The prizes are granted to individuals or institutions with proven, exceptional, distinct excellence in the sciences, arts, humanities, public service, and business, that have made and continue to make an outstanding contribution to humanity on the basis of merit, without discrimination of gender, race, religion, nationality, or political affiliation.

The Dan David Prize laureates donate 10% of their prize money to postgraduate students in their respective fields, thereby contributing to the community and advancing a new generation of scholars. It is also unique in its outreach efforts in the wider community. Since its inception, the Dan David Prize has embarked upon two exciting initiatives:

  • The Dan David Prize, in conjunction with the Unit for Science Oriented Youth at Tel Aviv University has initiated the 'Name Your Hero' Essay Competition for High School Youth throughout Israel. High school students are encouraged to submit an essay describing the individuals they deem worthy of the Dan David Prize. The fields selected for a given year are influenced by the high school students' input and ideas.
  • A Scholars Forum has been established comprising of Dan David Prize scholarship recipients from around the world doing research in the various selected fields since the inception of the Dan David Prize. This forum serves as a platform for Dan David Prize scholars to discuss research topics, present individual research and exchange ideas and suggestions.

General Information

  • The Dan David Prize awards scholarships to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, carrying out research in one of the selected fields for the current year. Registered doctoral and post-doctoral researchers who study at recognized universities throughout the world, and whose research has been approved, are eligible to apply.
  • The Dan David Prize laureates annually donate twenty scholarships of US$15,000 each to outstanding doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers of exceptional promise in the selected fields for the current year. Ten scholarships are awarded to students at universities throughout the world and ten scholarships to students at
    Tel Aviv University.
  • The Dan David Prize scholarships are granted according to merit, without discrimination based on gender, race, religion, nationality, or political affiliation.
  • In order to ensure that your research is relevant to one of this year's chosen fields, please read the field definitions on our website before filling out the form.
  • Applicants who have received a scholarship from the Dan David Prize may not apply again for their same area of research.


Application Form Information 

  • The application process, including the uploading of required documents, must be completed online only via the Dan David Prize website.
  • The requested Application Form and all documentation must be completed in English only.
  • For inquiries, please contact ddprize@tauex.tau.ac.il, tel: +972-3-6406614

The following information/documentation is required for the completion of the Scholarship Application process:

Applicant's Details

  • Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name
  • Applicant’s institution and department of study
  • Postal address of institution of study
  • Educational Status: Ph.D. student or postdoctoral researcher
  • Commencement date of Ph.D. studies or postdoctoral research period
  • Date of approval of Ph.D. research project (Postdoc: Not Applicable)
  • Title of Ph.D./postdoctoral research project
  • Postal address of applicant
  • Telephone numbers: work, home and mobile
  • Email

Supervisor’s Details

  • Title, First Name, Last Name
  • Supervisor's institution and department of affiliation 
  • Work telephone number
  • Email

Attachments (Supported formats: doc|rtf|docx|pdf, max size: 5MB)

  • A full curriculum vitae of the applicant including a list of publications.
  • A one to two page description of the applicant’s doctoral/postdoctoral research project.
  • Three separate letters of recommendation, on official letterhead and signed by recognized scholars in the field, one of which must be the doctoral/postdoctoral supervisor.
    All Recommendation Letters must be uploaded via the online Recommendation Submission Form link. 
    In addition, originals must mailed to: Ms. Smadar Fisher, Director, Dan David Prize, P.O.Box 39040, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel. 
  • Signed authorization by the university, on official letterhead, stating that the applicant is a registered doctoral student/postdoctoral researcher, whose research has been approved. 
    In addition, originals must mailed to: Ms. Smadar Fisher, Director, Dan David Prize, P.O.Box 39040, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel. 

Confirmation of successful submission is provided electronically and a copy of the application material sent to the applicant by email.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL"  below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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