PhD Scholarships in Earth Science, Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics 2018, Italy

Publish Date: May 23, 2018

Deadline: Jun 14, 2018

PhD Scholarships  in Earth Science, Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics 

An interdisciplinary doctoral programme offered in collaboration between ICTP, the University of Trieste and Italy's National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics is now accepting applications for its November 2018 start.

The PhD programme in Earth Sciences, Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics. Interactions and Methods (ESFM) promotes the preparation of students through the investigation of the scientific themes developed by the research groups belonging to the departments and the research institutions directly involved in the programme, as well as through international collaborations with qualified foreign institutes that provide students with the opportunity to attend training programs abroad. The programme is taught in English. This year, there are 10 fully funded three-year scholarships to support attendance. In addition, applicants from certain developing countries may have the payment of the admission exam fee waived.

In the field of earth sciences, the main objective is the transfer of knowledge on advanced methods of investigation with applications to the study of composition, structure, stratigraphy and evolution of our planet, from the close surface to the deep structures and the characteristics at a global scale.

In the context of fluid mechanics, the study of motion of the fluids is mainly addressed with reference to their transport properties, dispersion and mixing in environmental or industrial processes, as well as to their interaction with the solid elements.

The fundamental laws on which these disciplines are based are generally expressed through highly complex mathematical models. The qualitative and quantitative study of such models requires the development and the application of sophisticated mathematical tools, and it represents a relevant and topical research field. Mathematics therefore pervades the entire programme, playing a central and unifying role.

This PhD course is based at the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences at the University of Trieste. It has been awarded the title of Department of Excellence 2018-2022 from MIUR, the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.

Documents to be uploaded

NOTE: failure to submit the mandatory documents will result in the exclusion of the candidate 

  • proof of identity mandatory 
  • curriculum vitae et studiorum, focusing on experience prior to the PhD and on degree thesis activity (description of techniques acquired, personal contribution, etc) mandatory
  • university qualifications mandatory
  1. a for graduates or near-graduates in Italy: self-certification of the examinations and relevant scores of second-cycle degree (Laurea magistrale or specialistica) or single-cycle degree (Laurea, delivered prior to the reformed university system). Only for graduates: self-certification of the degree final mark. Self-certification can be drafted using the form available on >> application forms, or using the online services of the issuing University, where applicable.
  2. b for graduates from abroad: Master diploma/certificate or equivalent qualification giving access to the Doctoral Programme + Transcript of Records including examinations and scores obtained. Where applicable, a Diploma Supplement can be submitted instead of the Transcript. The academic qualification must be comparable by duration and level (and, where applicable, by subject area) with the Italian degree giving access to the Doctoral Programme and allow access to the PhD in the issuing country.
  3. c. for near-graduates from abroad: Transcript of Records including examinations and scores obtained in the academic Programme (Master or equivalent). The Transcript must indicate the name of the qualification to be awarded which must be comparable by duration and level (and, where applicable, by subject area) with the required Italian degree and allow access to the PhD in the issuing country. Please note that if all documents as described in points b. and c. are issued in a language other than English or Italian, a translation must be included, along with the original document (see par. 3.2 of the Notice of Competition).
  • for graduates and near-graduates: abstract of the degree thesis (i.e. Master degree or comparable qualification) to be drawn up according to the template available on >> Application forms mandatory
  • motivation letter, including a description of a possible project in one of the research lines of the Doctoral Programme. The proposal must identify objectives, methods as well as personal competencies. Please use only the “Research Project” form, available on >> Application forms mandatory

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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