Media in Conflicts Seminar, 26-30 August 2018, Israel

Publish Date: Apr 10, 2018

Deadline: Apr 30, 2018

Event Dates: from Aug 26, 2018 12:00 to Aug 30, 2018 12:00

Media in Conflicts Seminar 

About The Seminar

MICS is an academic and professional communications seminar held annually in Israel. Established in 2009, MICS has exposed over 200 future media leaders from over 40 countries to the fascinating world of conflict journalism. During the seminar, participants develop skills to face the challenges of conflict reporting, create priceless professional networks and experience one of the most covered conflict zones in the world. The seminar is designated for media personal who are involved in the fields of conflict coverage and journalism, and are between the ages 21-35.

The seminar includes

  • Lectures by top experts in the fields of conflict journalism, terrorism, defense and security, Middle East, international law and more.
  • Hands-on workshops.
  • A 5-day fully subsidized stay in Israel (Not including airfare).
  • Becoming a MICS graduate and join the MICS ALUMNI - A unique group that expands your world-wide professional connections.

Participants of the seminar will receive a free journalist pass to The ICT annual international conference on counter-terrorism held in Tel-Aviv between September 3-6, 2018

The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya

The InterDisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya is the first private Institution for Higher Education in Israel. Founded by the renowned Professor Uriel Reichman in 1994, IDC Herzliya is a non-profit organization modeled after Ivy League schools in the U.S.

The success of the IDC Herzliya has brought both international recognition and drawn some of the finest lecturers and researchers from around the world. The primary goal of the IDC Herzliya is to train a future leadership of the highest caliber in the fields of law, business, government, computer science, communications, psychology and economics, both in Israel and abroad.

The Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy

The Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy was established in 1999 thanks to the generous contribution of Ambassador Ronald S. Lauder. 

Originally led by the late Prof. Ehud Sprinzak, the Lauder School of Government is modeled on the leading government schools of the world, and aims to educate future leaders of Israel. The school’s curriculum is designed to provide students with the necessary tools to develop effective governmental, administrative and social systems and to fulfill senior positions in national and local governments, the public sector and non-profit organizations.

Since its establishment, the Lauder School has attracted leading academics, including top Israei scholars in the fields of government, public administration, security and intelligence. 

The Lauder School offers M.A. and B.A. degrees in five tracks: diplomacy and strategy; conflict resolution; public administration and policy; the Middle East; and security and terrorism.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

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