2 PhD positions in the Doctoral Program in History and Theory of Architecture
The Doctoral Program in History and Theory of Architecture at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich runs since October 2012. At least two scholarships are awarded each year. The program's focus is on the students’ independent thesis research. There are no preset research lines to be followed. The written dissertation should be handed in at the end of the residency. The degree earned is: Dr. sc. ETH Zürich.
All members of the doctoral program committee (i.e. all professors at gta) will co-supervise the students’ individual research in Graduate Colloquia, Methods Seminars and similar formats. One principle supervisor will be assigned before the end of the first year. (see section Application Precedure).
As a prerequisite to start a doctorate, ETH Zurich demands a diploma or Master degree of a minimum of 270 ECTS.
Courses at ETH are taught in English or German, supervision for phd students is generally available in German and English (and possibly other languages such as French or Italian, depending on the professors involved). A language certificate is not required. However, we expect successful candidates to be able to follow - and participate in - discussions held in English and we strongly suggest to learn German during your stay at ETH. You should have an excellent competence in the language that you choose for writing your thesis.
The positions are available for a duration of 3 years. There will be an assessment at the end of the first year. 100% is the standard employment of doctoral students at ETH. The salary should be high enough to fully support you for the time of the employment. Individual adjustments will take into account professional experience, children etc.
Application are submitted online on the official website. For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: