Workshop/CfP - How to Future-Proof Your Creative Hub, 26 - 27 October 2017, UK

Publish Date: Sep 07, 2017

Deadline: Sep 12, 2017

Event Dates: from Oct 26, 2017 12:00 to Oct 27, 2017 12:00

EUROPEAN CREATIVE HUBS NETWORK announces its 3 rd and final skills workshop for creative hub leaders, taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Consortium partners of the European Creative Hubs Network (ECHN), a project cofunded by the European Commission through the Creative Europe programme, in collaboration with Creative Edinburgh & Creative Dundee, announces a two-day international workshop titled “How to Future-Proof Your Creative Hub”, to be held in Edinburgh & Dundee on 26 - 27 October 2017.

The ECHN Skills Workshop #3, organised and hosted by Creative Edinburgh in collaboration with Creative Dundee, is the 3 rd and final workshop in a series of three workshops which aim to build the professional capacity of creative hub leaders, by developing tailored support and skills development tools.

An open call for participation is currently running for creative hub leaders, with 4 years or more experience of leading a creative hub, from across Europe. The deadline to apply is 23.59PM Tuesday September 12th 2017.

The intention of this workshop is to strengthen creative hub leadership by exploring the future role of creative hubs, looking at forward-planning and strategies for future-proofing. It will also bring together and build a community of hub leaders for peer-learning and ongoing peer-support, exchange and best-practice sharing. By running this workshop for more experienced hub leaders, the European Creative Hubs Network consortium aim to build resilience in a sector that is a key component of future creative economies and foster a strong, connected leadership of creative hubs.

Claire Stewart, Director of Creative Edinburgh said:

“I’m hugely excited about the opportunity to welcome experienced creative hub leaders to Edinburgh, to learn, connect and share experiences. Our workshop programme will focus on leadership, building valuable new connections and peer learning, and represents an incredible opportunity to connect with hub leaders, share expertise and work together on envisioning the future of the creative hubs sector.”

Gillian Easson, Director of Creative Dundee said:

“We look forward to welcoming creative hub leaders from around Europe to participate in what will be an exciting programme of activity - looking at the future of creative hubs and how leaders respond to future trends, challenges and opportunities. Working with Creative Edinburgh and British Council enables us to create an ambitious schedule of activity and also share our own learning from the successful development of Creative Dundee as a crucial hub for the city.”

How to Future-Proof Your Creative Hub

Created as a bespoke programme for the European Creative Hubs Network by Creative Edinburgh and Creative Dundee, in collaboration with specialists and experts in cultural leadership training and business leadership, The Future of Creative Hubs workshop will focus on building leadership skills and on peer-learning to harness the expertise in the room. Through collaboration, sharing, exchange and discussion of the future trends and issues that will influence the development of creative hubs, we will strengthen links across the community of creative hub leaders for future learning and collaboration.

The workshop will consist of a blended programme of exercises, talks, learning activities and group-work that will give participants the space and tools to effectively plan for the future of their creative hubs, as well as building valuable relationships and practical take-away tools for ongoing support and development after the workshop.

In contrast with the series of large-scale Fora organised by ECHN in Belgrade or Athens, these workshops are small-scale practical meetings (max. 30 participants) with the objective of efficiently developing and improving the skills of a small groups of creative hub leaders. The workshops should be able to lead to concrete and meaningful learning outcomes, which the participants will be able to cascade, disseminate and put into practice after the workshop, at their local level.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

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