Wolfram Summer School, 7 - 20 August 2016, TUMO Center in Yerevan, Armenia

Publish Date: Jun 14, 2016

Event Dates: from Aug 07, 2016 12:00 to Aug 20, 2016 12:00

Wolfram Summer School

A unique educational and career opportunity to learn and do projects at the frontiers of science, technology, and innovation. Learn how to apply Wolfram's unique approach to creating ideas and turning them into research, products, and companies.

Find the project that's right for you…


Do original research at the frontiers of science. Join a collection of students with a diverse range of scientific backgrounds to learn how to use the Wolfram Language and Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science to implement projects in their fields of interest.


Create the next big tech innovation with Wolfram technology. Join other entrepreneurial participants to learn hands-on from senior staff at Wolfram how to apply Wolfram's unique approach to creating ideas and turning them into products and companies.


Bring computational thinking to the classroom. Join a collection of individuals who want to make a difference in education. Learn how to develop educational materials and products with the Wolfram Language that will make programming in education accessible to everyone.


The Wolfram Summer School—Armenia is a unique opportunity to do a research or technology project, turn ideas into products and companies, develop educational tools, and much more. We accept students with diverse educational, cultural, and professional backgrounds, and consider wide age groups. Students' projects take advantage of Wolfram technologies and recent developments like data science and machine learning to tackle original problems on the cutting edge of science and technology. Their results often turn into theses or publications, and can be the start of a new direction in their fields. By the end of the program, a starting idea is developed into a working prototype that allows the students to pursue their ideas.

Before the Summer School

  • Students will self-train with online tools and exercises in using the Wolfram Language
  • Students will take the Mathematica Student Certification exam

General daily routine

  • 9am–1pm: Lectures and project meetings
  • 1–2pm: Lunch
  • 2–4pm: Afternoon session
  • 4–5pm: Recreation
  • 5–7pm: Project meetings
  • 7–9pm: Dinner and more project time

Week one

  • Basics of implementing projects with the Wolfram Language
  • Hands-on, in-depth training on Wolfram Language technology development
  • Project selection and project time

Week two

  • Special-topic lectures on the Wolfram Language
  • Ongoing project meetings
  • Final preparation for presentations
  • Student presentations


When should I apply?

We encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Space is limited; early applicants have a higher chance of acceptance.

When and where is the Summer School held?

The Summer School will be held at the TUMO Center in Yerevan, Armenia, from August 7 through 20, 2016.

Are there age limits for the Summer School students?

No. We would like to have exceptional high-school-age, undergraduate, and graduate students as well as energetic individuals late in their careers.

What is involved in doing a project at the Summer School?

Students are each assigned a project mentor. Projects almost invariably involve computer experiments, programmed in the Wolfram Language. At the end of the Summer School, students present their projects individually.

How are the projects chosen at the Summer School?

Projects are chosen to fit the career and educational objectives of each student. Students are encouraged to think about potential projects before the Summer School. Final projects are chosen during the first week of the Summer School, in consultation with the school mentors.

Who chaperones the Summer School?

A team of Wolfram Education experts will be running the Summer School. This team will include instructors and teaching assistants.

What language is used at the Summer School?

The Summer School is in English, including all instruction, workshops, and exercises.

How long is the Summer School?

The Summer School is two weeks long. The daily schedule runs from 9am to 9pm, and we expect full-time attendance.

How much does the Summer School cost?

The Summer School itself is free—there is no tuition fee. Students are responsible for accommodations, transportation, and meals.

Do I need to have a computer?

Every student at the Summer School needs to bring a reliable laptop. Windows, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems are all acceptable. Built-in wireless networking capability is required. Software for computation and collaboration at the Summer School will be provided. Please see System Requirements for more information.

What criteria are used in selecting students?

We're looking for people for whom the Summer School can really make a difference and can help launch them into doing important work. We like to see evidence of an ability to carry out a project to a high level of quality.

Have any Summer School students gone on to work for Wolfram Research?

Yes, some of our most talented attendees have been offered positions at Wolfram Research.

Does the Summer School accept international students?

Yes, if you can find your own housing in Yerevan, Armenia.

How many students participate in the entire program?

We plan to select approximately 25 participants in 2016.

Further Official Information

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