AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA) PhD studentship for Shugborough Hall, the Ansons and the eighteenth-century Atlantic economy
Applications are invited for an AHRC CDA doctoral studentship offered by the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership, to start in the October or January of the 2020-21 academic year.
The studentship will be based in the Faculty of History. The successful applicant, will work on a collaborative project co-led by Dr Andrew Thompson (act25@cam.ac.uk), Faculty of History and co-supervisor, Sarah Kay, National Trust.
The studentship will involve examining the connections between landed estates and the Atlantic economy through a specific case-study; the web of social relationships that bound landed society together and the importance of capital, perhaps derived from slavery, for securing good marriages and social advancement; the domestic awareness of empire and its structures; the changing perceptions of landed estates and how best to represent their complex and entwined histories in the present.
This project would suit applicants with a strong interest in the history of Britain in the eighteenth century, perhaps with interests in global and maritime history or the history of race.
Full DTP studentships, for candidates who meet the AHRC residency requirements, will provide an annual maintenance grant to cover living costs (£15,009 pa at current rates) and will fully cover university tuition fees.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: