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Solar Winter School on Photovoltaic Energy Business, Germany

Publish Date: Oct 06, 2016

Event Dates: from Jan 30, 2017 12:00 to Feb 12, 2017 12:00

Become an Expert in Photovoltaic Energy Business

Become a certified Solar Industry Partner. Attend the innovative training programme in Berlin and meet the leading renewable energy industry.

The sustainable use of energy resources is constantly gaining social and economic importance. In particular, the production of electricity from solar energy (photovoltaics) offers a greener, cheaper and more reliable alternative to conventionally generated electricity. The solar energy industry has grown exponentially and has a high turnover worldwide. Qualified solar professionals with industry experience are attractive candidates as international firms seek to expand their operations into emerging markets.

Further information regarding the course content of both tracks.

Track “Certified Solar Entrepreneur” 

Due to the decentralized nature of photovoltaic energy supply, upcoming, independent solar contractors can quickly and independently develop regional business structures and become attractive partners for national and international solar companies. Attending this Winter School is the first step in becoming an entrepreneur in photovoltaic energy business. You will learn all the essential knowledge about photovoltaic technology and about founding a business and developing it successfully.

Course Description 

This 6-week course (in English) offers students and individuals with an engineering, business management or commercial background the necessary qualifications for independent, entrepreneurial engagement in the field of Photovoltaic Solar Energy.

Course duration in Berlin
January 30 – February 12, 2017

Admissinon requirements

  • Individuals with engineering, business or commercial background
  • Students in their final semesters, working professionals, job applicants
  • Sufficient English language skills
  • Letter of motivation and CV, which will be followed by a Skype interview with representatives of the SRH Hochschule and a     mentoring solar company

Course fee

1,320.00 € incl. tax. A partial scholarship of up to 500 € and payment in increments are possible in certain cases

You are already active in a solar company or want to get employed in one? Earn a certification as a Certified Solar Employee. Register now!

Track “Certified Solar Employee”

This industry-developed 6-week course (in English) prepares individuals with an engineering, business management or commercial background with the necessary qualifications needed for professional engagement in national and international firms active in the field of Photovoltaic Solar Energy.
Designed with a focus on practical knowledge transfer, this hands-on career development program will:

• connect you to professionals from industry and academia
• enhance your business and industry relevant practical skillset
• improve your international employment perspectives, in emerging and mature markets

Course duration in Berlin
January 30 – February 12, 2017

Admissinon requirements

  • Individuals with engineering, business or commercial background
  • Working professionals employed in a solar company or freelancing in the solar field, renewable energies students and recent graduates
  • Sufficient English language skills
  • Letter of motivation and CV, which will be followed by a Skype interview with representatives of the SRH Hochschule and a mentoring solar company

Course fee 

1,320.00 € incl. tax. A partial scholarship of up to 500 € and payment in increments are possible in certain cases

Total Commitment

Approximately 6 weeks

  • 2 weeks personal online preparation with tutors
  • 2 weeks course attendance at SRH Hochschule Berlin, Germany
  • Minimum half week internship at a German or international solar company
  • 2 months online follow-up and networking support


  • Certificate without assessment, or
  • Certificate with assessment, 5 ECTS (Examination necessary)

At a glance

Duration: 2 weeks intensive course at SRH Hochschule in Berlin (6 weeks including online preparation and internship)
Course Date (Intensive Course): 30.01.-12.02.2017
Course Language: English

Deadline  for registration is: registration phase now open

For further information click "Further official information" below. 

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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