Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture Post-Doc Research Fellowship 2017, Germany

Publish Date: Mar 23, 2017

Deadline: Apr 30, 2017

Post-Doc Research Fellowship

The Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University seeks applications for a

Post-Doc Research Fellowship

The Fellowship will commence effective from 1 June 2017.

The Dubnow Institute's (DI) research focuses on Jewish history and culture, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe, extending from the Middle Ages to the present. It represents this focus in study programs at Leipzig University, and presents the results of its research work to the academic and general public in a range of publica­tions and events.

The Post-Doc Fellowship hereby advertised is anchored within the research project Recht und Erfahrung – Jüdische Juristen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts(Law and Jewish Biography – 19th and 20th Century Legal Theorists). This project investigates the biographies, work and theoretical conceptions as well as impact of select Jewish lawyers and legal experts, viewed through a methodological lens that combines approaches in the history of experience and the history of ideas. The successful applicant for the Fellowship will conceive, develop and implement an independent sub-project, publish its research findings and be actively engaged in the project as well as in ongoing cooperation in the broader context of the DI.


This is a full-time Fellowship amounting to € 2,900 per month.

Duration of Fellowship:

3 years, with the possibility of an extension for 2 further years

Sub-Project Description:

Jews and Jurisprudence

In the framework of the Fellowship, a study of comprehensive character for the cohesion and context of the broader project is to be developed. Central in this research is the question of the underlying sociopolitical and cultural factors driving the high level of attraction which the realm of jurisprudence had for the modernizing Jewries in Europe since the mid-nineteenth century. The aim is to better clarify and elucidate, in the form of a history of emancipation and secularization, to what extent the struggle for participation in society was also waged by Jews through their entry into the legal profession. This could also refer to the question whether elements of the traditional Jewish attachment to the religious law and rabbinical practices of textual interpretation were transferred into the sphere of jurisprudence and have encouraged a particular affinity for the realm of the law.

The research will seek to show – by examining a select group of individuals, if possible representing different generations, coupled with a corresponding analysis of their publications and work as legal experts – from what point in time, in what form and with what motives numerous Jews in the Central and Eastern European areas turned toward the legal professions and jurisprudence, imprinting their stamp and distinctive profile in particular on specific fields (i. e. legal theory, international law, commercial law). A comparison with other geographical areas is of course also possible.


The applicant should hold the doctorate, achieved at a high level of excellence, in one of the subject disciplines relevant for the DI, in particular history, Jewish Studies or the cultural sciences. He/She should also have acquired research experience in an international context. In addition, the successful candidate should have proven knowledge of jurisprudence and legal history, coupled with a knowledge especially of East European foreign languages requisite for carrying out the project.

Application Deadline:

Applications must be completed until 30 April 2017

Documentation to be Submitted:

Cover letter, CV, list of publications, copy of final diplomas, certificate of doctoral degree (and copies of other relevant diplomas, transcripts and assessments). Outline of the proposed research project, oriented to the frame of content sketched above (max. 5 pp.), and the copy of one significant publication (essay of some 20–30 pp.).

Applications and supporting documentation should be sent by post or email to:
Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture e. V.
Prof. Dr. Raphael Gross/Prof. Dr. Jörg Deventer
Goldschmidtstraße 28
Electronic submission by email to:

Further questions regarding the structure of content of the project can be directed to Dr. Elisabeth Gallas. Any other queries applicants may have can be sent to Ms. Mandy Fitzpatrick.

The Simon Dubnow Institute attaches great importance to professional gender equality. The DI thus welcomes in particular applications from qualified female candidates. Persons with disabilities are given preferential treat­ment if other qualifications are equal.

If you would like your documentation as submitted with the application returned, please include a large, pre-stamped envelope for that purpose. Otherwise the supporting documentation submitted will be destroyed two months after submission or subsequent to the conclusion of the selection process.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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