OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarships, University of Aberdeen, UK

Publish Date: Apr 21, 2015

Deadline: May 29, 2015


OPITO, the skills organisation for oil and gas, is offering two OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarships. Each scholarship is valued at £6,000 for the one year duration of the MSc in Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas degree and will contribute towards the students' maintenance costs. This is part of the College of Physical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships Programme.


The scholarships are open to all students commencing the one year full- time MSc in Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas in September 2015. (Please note that the scholarships are not open to students wishing to commence the part-time programme).

In addition, the scholars’ dissertations must address the issue of ‘safety in the oil and gas industry’. The dissertation of the scholarship receipient obtaining the highest mark will receive a further £500.


All students meeting the criteria above, regardless of nationality, are eligible to apply for the OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarships - they are open to UK, EU and International students.

To be considered for an OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarship you will need to have applied to the University of Aberdeen for a place on the one year full-time MSc in Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas degree course starting in September 2015. To be awarded an OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarship you must receive and then firmly accept an unconditional offer of a place on the MSc in Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas at the University of Aberdeen.

Those who are awaiting degree results and therefore hold a conditional offer of a place can also be considered and will be asked to provide a copy of their degree certificate before the award is confirmed.


The OPITO Piper Alpha Memorial MSc Safety Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and demonstration of particular personal characteristics (please see Guidelines document for full details).

Application Procedure

There are a number of College of Physical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships available (please see guidelines document below). Please note that any number of scholarships can be applied for by submitting ONE application form. Please read the guidelines fully before completing the application form.

To apply, please click the 'Apply Now' button below. Please complete the application form and select the scholarship(s) you are applying for. Please only select the College of Physical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships you are eligible to apply for.

Once you have fully completed the application form, click 'Submit Form'. You will then receive an email confirming that your application has been received.


29th of May 2015

Further Info

If you have any queries not answered by the guidelines please email copsgraduate@abdn.ac.uk or telephone +44 (0) 1224 272081

You will be told whether or not your application has been successful by email by 20 June 2015. If your application has been successful the award will be subject to your admission to the University.

Application Docs

College of Physical Sciences Postgraduate Scholarships - for MSc in Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas - Guidelines.doc




This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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