Lagrange Institute Scholarships, France

Publish Date: May 05, 2015

Deadline: May 31, 2015

Lagrange Scholars Program

The Lagrange Institute offers scholarships to international students studying physics, astrophysics, astroparticle physics, cosmology and nuclear physics at the Masters 2 (M2) level. The scholarship period is from September 2015 to June 2016. The enrolment might take place at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) in the Master of Physics and Application in the following Master 2 programs:

NPAC (Nuclei, Particles, Astroparticles and Cosmology / Noyaux, Particules, Astroparticules et Cosmologie) – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Université Paris Diderot, Université Paris Sud
AAIS (Astronomie, Astrophysique et Ingénierie Spatiale / Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Engineering) – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris Diderot, Université Paris-Sud, Ecole Normale Supérieure


The main objective of the school career is to offer the opportunity to the top-class international students with an excellent background in physics to study in Paris the large breadth of topics such as astrophysics, cosmology, particle and nuclear physics, astroparticle physics, etc. This program is a way to train future researchers at the early stage of their scientific careers.

Period and location

The academic year extends from the 1st of September, 2015 to the 30th of June, 2016 and takes place in different places in Paris and Orsay (depending on the program/specialty).

Financial conditions

A monthly scholarship of 1100 euros is offered from the 1st of September up to the 30th of June of the academic year. During the academic training, the student will be enrolled for a Master's internship (3-3,5 months) in astrophysics, astroparticle physics, high energy physics, nuclear physics, theoretical physics which is granted at least 450 euros/month (to be granted by the hosting laboratory).
500 euros dedicated to the installation fee will also be provided.

For information, for the academic year 2014-2015, the registration fees to the Master programs of the UPMC are 256 euros. The cost of the annual social insurance is 213 euros.
These fees and the travel expenses shall be borne by the candidate.

For successful candidates, administrative support will be provided by the UPMC services to establish visas, help with registration at University, and daily questions.


The ILP, via the UPMC, provides rooms, which might be available at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP), located in the 14th district of Paris. The part paid by the student corresponds to an average cost of 400-500 euros/month. A state subsidy may be provided for accommodation (about 100 euros for a room at the CIUP).
Some information, which may facilitate your stay in Paris, can be found at


Courses of the NPAC program are taught in English
Courses of the AAIS program are taught in French - The students are required to have good skills in French, at least level B2-C1. Lecture notes and exam papers can be in English language.
Additional classes to learn French might be provided by the ILP (30-70 hours/year) before the first semester and/or all along the year.


The scholarship is open to students of all nationalities, eligible to the Master Program and fulfilling at least the following requirements:
To hold a Bachelor degree / Master 1 degree / Engineering Diploma in Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics (or a certified equivalent amount of learning in the same field, quantified as 4 years of previous studies corresponding to at least 240 credits in the European Credit Transfer System),
To have a solid background in fundamental physics, mathematics, astrophysics,
To have a good knowledge of French for AAIS program.

Application procedure

Follow the application procedures relating to:
AAIS Program >
NPAC Program >
And mention that you also apply for the Lagrange Scholars Program.
An interview will be proposed after the 1st selection based on application forms (Skype interviews are possible).
Please send a notification to the ILP project coordinator (contact[at] mentioning that you apply for the AAIS or NPAC Program.

This opportunity has expired.

It was available under this link

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