Doctoral Workshop
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History &
Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism
Cooperation, Exchange and Solidarity in Europe 1945-1990
Pula, August 26-29, 2020
Although in special circumstances due to the pandemic, even this year we are trying to organise the Doctoral Workshop. We hope the conditions will be safe and favourable, and that we will be able to gather as usually, in Pula at the end of summer. All possible changes in schedule will be announced on time. We defined this year's theme in September last year, but right now, unfortunately, it is becoming more current.
Since 2015 the Workshop has focused on various topics in contemporary history, history of socialist Yugoslavia and the wider European context: The History of Everyday Life in Socialist Yugoslavia, Yugoslav Socialism: Similarities and Exceptionalities, A New Man for the Socialist Society, Yugoslavia and the Global 1968: Contexts, Perspectives, Echoes, Industrial Societies of Late Socialism: European Comparisons. The themes were often connected to the research projects at CKPIS, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation, or with the cooperation network around the Chair for South-East European History at the Humboldt University of Berlin, supported by DAAD. Over the past years, the Workshop has received an excellent response, with PhD students and lecturers coming from various universities and other institutions (Belgrade, Berlin, Florence, Ghent, Giessen, Glasgow, Graz, Hamburg, Iaşi, Konstanz, Koper, Ljubljana, Montreal, Munich, Nottingham, Paris, Potsdam, Prague, Regensburg, San Diego, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Split, Vienna, Warwick, Zagreb and Pula). Information on past workshops is available on our web-site.
This year, we are interested in cooperation, exchange and solidarity in Europe from the end of the World War II to the collapse of the Cold War order. The war-torn and demolished continent went through a rapid reconstruction and building of new post-war societies. The first wave of mutual support, enthusiasm and solidarity has been turned into long-lasting forms of formal and informal connections at local, regional, national and international levels. Volunteers, civic associations, non-governmental organizations, mass organizations, trade unions, professionals’ associations, peace initiatives, economic and military alliances, interstate cooperation and international treaties all served as links in maintaining social stability. Sometimes the contacts crossed the Iron Curtain, sometimes they firmly remained within national or block frames. Keeping in mind the intra-European similarities and differences, we would like to discuss cooperation and exchange in social, economic, cultural, humanitarian and military contexts. We are also interested in actions of solidarity during natural disasters, as well as in infrastructural integration, cultural exchange, sports competitions, and political alliances. All topics that suggest formation of a community, and any form of vertical or horizontal, official or informal, local or international connection are also welcome.
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