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PhD Scholarships in Chemical Engineering 2020, Imperial College London, UK

Publish Date: Mar 09, 2020

Deadline: Oct 31, 2020

The Department of Chemical Engineering has up to 10 fully-funded scholarships available for outstanding PhD applicants each year. If you would like to be considered for a scholarship, you are expected to have obtained (or be heading for) a First Class Honours degree at Master’s level (or equivalent) in chemical engineering, another branch of engineering or a related science.

The standard period of the scholarship is 42 months. The scholarships are open to all applicants regardless of their fee status, and cover both tuition fees and an annual tax-free contribution to maintenance costs of £21,400.

Our aim is to select the most outstanding PhD students and offer them financial support. In the interest of fairness, we have one selection process for all the scholarships that are administered by the College. You will need to submit your PhD application by the following deadlines in order to be considered for the Chemical Engineering PhD Scholarships or any other scholarships which are administered by the College (e.g. the President's Scholarships, the CSC Imperial scholarships):

  • Round 1:  31 October for entry in October of the following year
  • Round 2:  31 January for entry in October of the same year

Please note that where there is a later deadline advertised for College scholarships, the departmental deadline before the College deadline will apply, as you will need to go through the departmental selection process, including interviews, before we can put you forward for a College Scholarship.

An academic selection panel will screen the applications that demonstrate the necessary achievement and potential and will shortlist the most outstanding candidates for interview. If you are shortlisted and successful in your interview, you will be sent a list of available projects and supervisors and asked to select 2 projects offered by different supervisors in the order of your choice.

Once we have received the project selections from all the successful candidates, we will contact your first-choice and ask them if they are happy to take you on under the departmental scholarship scheme. If there is more than one successful applicant who wants to work with the same supervisor, the supervisor will be asked to choose the student who is most suited to the project. If you are not selected by your first-choice supervisor, we will contact your second-choice supervisor. If you are not selected by either of the supervisors, we will try our best to match you up with another eligible supervisor.

We will consider all successful applicants for any scholarships offered at College level and put forward the most outstanding candidates who fit the eligibility criteria for a particular scholarship.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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