Fyssen Foundation Postdoctoral Grants for French and Foreign Researchers, 2015

Publish Date: Mar 25, 2015

Deadline: Apr 01, 2015

 Fyssen Foundation is offering postdoctoral grants for researchers who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory in abroad (French researchers) or France (foreign researchers). The Postdoctoral fellowship will start on September 1st of the application year the earliest and at the latest on January of the next year. Grants are awarded from 8 months to 12 months not renewable. These grants of an annual maximum amount of 25 000 euros, intend to cover expenses of hosting, stay and health insurance.

Grants are awarded for working on research disciplines such as Ethology, Paleontology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Psychology, Epistemology, Logic and the Sciences of nervous system.

Scholarship Provider: Fyssen Foundation

Scholarship can be taken at: France and Abroad
-Achieve his first post-doctoral fellowship.
-Be old of 35 years maximum on the closing day of the call.
-Be a holder of a Phd of less than two years on September 1st of the year of application, either achieve his viva thesis on December 31st of the year of application at the latest.

Study grants are available for postdoctoral researchers, working on research disciplines such as Ethology, Paleontology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Psychology, Epistemology, Logic and the Sciences of nervous system. These grants are awarded to French or foreign researchers, holders of a foreign PhD and who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory in France; or either French or foreign researchers holders of a French PhD who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory abroad (excluded origin country and de co-tutorship).

Grants are awarded from 8 months to 12 months not renewable, and until 24 months subject to the approval of the Scientific Committee after examination of a report at the end of the first year. The Postdoctoral fellowship will start on September 1st of the application year the earliest and at the latest on January of the next year.

These grants of an annual maximum amount of 25 000 euros, intend to cover expenses of hosting, stay and health insurance.

The online application and the receipt of the candidate’s folder by post will be confirmed by email. The candidate application will be submitted to the Scientific Committee and he will receive the result by post mid July 2015.

Applications should be submitted online. Requested documents to constitute the folder:
-The application form
-An invitation letter of the host laboratory
-The letters of two scientific personalities able to put an appreciation on the program and the research works of the candidate
-The research project on 8 pages maximum drafted in French or in English
-The CV and the publications of the candidate
-The abstract (150 words) of the research project as well as a list of keywords. In French and in English
-The PhD copy or an attestation testifying the candidate will achieve his viva on December 31st 2015 the latest
And the candidate has to send one copy of his complete folder on April 1st 2015 (postmark as a date).

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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