Fully-funded PhD Fellowship in Project in Classical Languages 2016, Ghent University, Belgium

Publish Date: May 25, 2016

Deadline: Jul 10, 2016

Fully-funded PhD fellowship in project in classical languages (Latin and Greek)

The Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University (Belgium) is seeking well-qualified applicants for a fully-funded and full-time doctoral research fellowship. The successful applicant will work on a project entitled "Latin to Greek. The Latinity of the Ancient Greek Love Novel". The Principal Investigator of this project is Prof Dr Koen De Temmerman, who, as a classicist, specializes in ancient fiction and its persistence in later periods.

The project is generously supported by the Flemish Research Council (F.W.O.-Vlaanderen).

The successful applicant will start employment on 1 October 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.

In order to be eligible, candidates must have obtained their Ma degree at the time of application or demonstrate convincingly that they will have that degree in hand by 1 October 2016.
Envisaged profile: the successful candidate will have
1. an Ma degree in classical languages (both Latin and Greek);
2. excellent knowledge of Latin and ancient Greek;
3. demonstrable interest in (research into) the literary and/or cultural history of Greek and Roman antiquity;
4. very good knowledge of the literary and cultural history of this period as evidenced by their study trajectory (optional courses, subject of papers and dissertations, etc.);
5. very good study results (including Ba and Ma dissertations of high quality).

We offer

1. a contract for four years of full-time employment as a PhD student, continuation being subject to positive evaluation after two years;
2. a competitive salary that corresponds to the salary scales for PhD students as established by the Flemish government;
3. a substantial allowance for travel and other research purposes in addition to the salary;
4. office space at the University, full membership of both the Department of Literary Studies (http://www.letterkunde.ugent.be) and the research team Novel Saints. Studies in Ancient Fiction and Hagiography (http://www.novelsaints.ugent.be) and a solid and engaging academic working environment with a strong international profile.
The project resonates with the interests of a number of other scholars at Ghent University and the successful candidate will be able to interact with scholars and students affiliated with various departments and research institutes at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy (http://research.flw.ugent.be/en/research-groups), such as the Department of Literary Studies (http://www.letterkunde.ugent.be), the Department of History (http://www.ugent.be/lw/geschiedenis/en), the Department of Oriental Studies (http://www.neareast.ugent.be/home), the Ghent Institute for Classical Studies (http://www.giks.ugent.be), and the Ghent Centre for the Study of Christian Traditions (http://www.csct.ugent.be);
5. the possibility to acquire transferable skills as part of a Doctoral School programme.

We expect that the successful applicant

1. will write and successfully defend a PhD dissertation within the four years of the fellowship;
2. will contribute to the strong research tradition of the Department and the University by pursuing excellence in his/her research and by publishing his/her results in journals and with publishers that are internationally accepted as being of the highest quality;
3. will come and live in Belgium, work closely together with the other team members, and contribute to a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere;
4. will contribute to the scholarly activities of the research group (e.g. by organizing events in collaboration with the Principal Investigator and/or other members of the team, etc.).

How to apply?
(a) Expressions of interest can be sent to koen.detemmerman@ugent.be. A summary of the project is available upon request.
(b) Applications should include
1. a cover letter;
2. a full curriculum vitae (incl. accurate information on grades and study results, e.g. official results lists if available);
3. a brief autobiographical statement (no more than one page) highlighting why the applicant is interested in this project and what added value (s)he expects to bring;
4. the applicant’s Ma dissertation (and possibly other relevant writing samples such as papers or a Ba dissertation).

and should be sent by snail mail to
Prof Dr Koen De Temmerman
Ghent University
Department of Literary Studies
Blandijnberg 2
B-9000 Ghent

(c) In addition, we kindly ask candidates to arrange for two letters of reference to be sent directly to koen.detemmerman@ugent.be by the referees.

Deadline: applications (both b and c) should arrive no later than 10 July 2016.

Please address any queries to the Principal Investigator (koen.detemmerman@ugent.be).

The University offers professional support for those applying to the many funding schemes at the local, regional and European levels.
Ghent is an attractive medieval town, with a strong economic base and lively cultural scene. Just 30 minutes by train from Brussels, two hours from Paris and Amsterdam and two and a half hours from London, it is ideally situated at the heart of European intellectual life.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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