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Merit-based Full Karsh Scholarships for International Students 2019, Duke University, USA

Publish Date: Sep 02, 2019

Deadline: Jan 02, 2020


A merit-based full scholarship for international students at Duke University.

Financial Support

The Karsh International Scholars Program provides eight semesters of full tuition, room and board, and mandatory fees to Duke University. Scholars also have access to generous funding for domestic and international summer experiences, including opportunities for independent research both in the summer and during the academic year.

Academic Community

In addition to monetary support, Karsh International Scholars will have a cohort of students from all over the world, a faculty advisor, a graduate student mentor, and additional mentoring support from the Office of University Scholars and Fellows. All Karsh International Scholars will be part of an intellectual community that engages in global dialogue and highlights the presence of international students on the Duke campus. During the regular school year, Karsh International Scholars will engage with faculty mentors, program coordinators, guest speakers, and have the occasional field trip.

All first-year scholars in a first-year seminar series across scholarships engage with each other as scholars, learn from scholars on and off campus, and engage with the greater Durham community.

Enrichment Experiences

After completion of the first year, Karsh Scholars may apply for funds to support a variety of educational enrichment activities: from working at a laboratory at Duke University or elsewhere, to pursuing an internship in the private or government sector, to engaging in service work or independent research. With the help of the Karsh faculty director, the graduate assistant, and faculty mentors or advisors, Karsh International Scholars will be supported in thinking creatively and planning wisely for these enrichment opportunities.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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United States