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Post-doc­toral Fel­lows in Solid State Chem­istry at Max-Planck-Insti­tut für Che­mi­sche Phy­sik fes­ter Stoffe 2018, Germany

Publish Date: Feb 07, 2018

Deadline: Mar 31, 2018

Post-doc­toral Fel­lows in Solid State Chem­istry

The Solid State Chem­istry Group (Prof. Dr. C. Fel­ser) of the Max Planck Insti­tute for Chem­ical Phys­ics of Solids in Dres­den, Ger­many is world lead­ing in rese­arch on inter­metal­lic Heus­ler com­pounds with app­lic­a­tions in the areas of Spin­tron­ics, mag­netic mater­i­als, topo­lo­gical mater­i­als, ther­mo­elec­tric mater­i­als, super­con­duct­ors, and many more.

Work­ing field:

The Post-doc­toral fel­lows will cover the fields of:
  • Sput­ter depos­ition of inter­metal­lic thin films,
  • MBE layer by layer growth of inter­metal­lic thin films,
  • Char­ac­ter­isa­tion of thin films,
  • Angu­lar resol­ved pho­to­elec­tron spec­tro­scopy

The pro­duced and invest­ig­ated thin films will be for the areas of:

  • Piezo­elec­tric mater­i­als in mul­tilay­ers with fer­ro­mag­nets for new memory con­cepts;
  • Topo­lo­gical mater­i­als from topo­lo­gical insu­lat­ors to mag­netic Weyl semi-metals for anom­al­ous Hall effects and rela­ted phe­nom­ena;
  • Half­metal­lic fer­ro­mag­nets, fer­ri­mag­nets and anti­fer­ro­mag­nets in thin films and mul­tilay­ers for spin­tron­ics.


Besi­des good know­ledge in the thin film char­ac­ter­isa­tion or growth by sput­ter­ing or molecu­lar beam epi­taxy, you should have a strong ana­lyt­ical back­ground with very good know­ledge in two or more of the fol­low­ing meth­ods (equip­ment):

Struc­tural char­ac­ter­isa­tion by dif­frac­tion meth­ods with elec­trons (LEED) or X-rays (XRD), elec­tri­cal trans­port (PPMS), mag­netic prop­er­ties (MPMS), pho­to­elec­tron spec­tro­scopy (Sci­enta), scan­ning probe micro­scopy (AFM, PFM, MFM, STM, Omic­ron), chem­ical ana­lysis by Auger elec­tron spec­tro­scopy or sec­ond­ary elec­tron micro­scopy with EDX and char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion by advan­ced meth­ods for example syn­chro­tron based meth­ods (ARPES, HAX­PES, XAS, XMCD).


  • PhD in phys­ics, chem­istry, mater­i­als, or clo­sely rela­ted sci­ence obtai­ned less than 3 years ago,
  • a strong back­ground in thin film tech­niques is essen­tial,
  • Pro­fi­ciency with other com­ple­ment­ary labor­at­ory tech­niques as men­tio­ned above is desir­able,
  • Exper­i­ence with rese­arch at large scale facil­it­ies,
  • Abil­ity to inter­act with multi-dis­cip­lin­ary staff at the bor­der bet­ween phys­ics and chem­istry,
  • Good time man­age­ment skills and abil­ity to pri­or­it­ize,
  • Eng­lish pro­fi­ciency (work­ing lan­guage in the group), Ger­man is of advant­age for com­mu­nic­a­tion with our tech­nical per­sonal.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below. 

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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