The Centre for Global Social Policy at the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto intends to appoint up to 3 one-year or 6 six-month Postdoctoral Research Fellow(s).
The Postdoctoral Research Fellowship(s) will be funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, for research aligned with one of the eight sub-projects of the Gender, Migration, and the Work of Care Partnership
The appointment(s) shall be for a period of from six months to one year. The postdoctoral fellow(s) will work on their own research under the supervision or co-supervision of one of the Project Leads of the Partnership Project, with the fellow housed at the home institution of one of the supervisors. The Fellowships are designed to provide financial and intellectual support for outstanding scholars at the beginning of their professional careers.
Applicants must have completed their PhDs within 5 years of the beginning of the fellowship, in January 2018.
The fellowship provides an annual $45,000.00 Canadian stipend, prorated for those with shorter appointments.
Fellowships are open to citizens of all countries, but fellows must participate in a culminating week-long seminar in December 2018 at the University of Toronto.
The fellowship begins January 1, 2018.
You will need to provide us with the following documents in your application:
- Letter of Application
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research Proposal
- Letter of recommendation from host institution supervisor, indicating their willingness to supervise the fellow and the institutional support that will be provided (office space, opportunities for presentation and networking, etc.)
All required documents must be compiled in a single file in Word or PDF format and submitted by email to
For questions about the program and eligibility, please contact Deanna Pikkov, Research Associate, by email at
For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: