Incoming Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Social and Human Sciences 2017, France

Publish Date: Oct 06, 2016

Deadline: Dec 01, 2016

About the program

The Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSHoffer short-term fellowships of three months in France for young post-doc researchers from South Caucasus who have presented their thesis after 2009.

This research stay is designed to enable researchers to conduct research studies in France: field enquiries, library work and archives.

This call is part of the Atlas short-term postdoctoral mobility program offered by the FMSH and its partners.

Duration of the fellowship: 3 months

Next deadline for applications: 1 December 2015

Period of stay: Between March and December 2017. The stay will have to start by 1st October 2017 at the latest.

Financial details

Laureates will receive a monthly stipend of 1 500 €. This financial contribution is intended to cover expenditure such as transport and accommodation costs. FMSH also provide support for visa and logistics.

Researcher’s obligations

The researcher will have to be hosted by a French laboratory / center of research. At the end of his stay, he will have to give the FMSH, a one to two pages maximum report on the activities he conducted during his stay and what benefits they brought to his research project.

Eligibility criteria

  • This program is open to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russia nationals who are affiliated with an institution of higher education and research / institute of research based in the country.
  • Applicants must have obtained their PhD doctorate (“Kandidat” thesis) and presented their thesis after 2009.
  • Applicants must be involved in research in social and human sciences (anthropology, literature and art studies, history, geography, philosophy, political science, sociology, archeology etc.)

Application procedure

Applications must be submitted electronically via the online application form before December 1st 2016. Applications may be completed in French or in English.

  • Reach the online application form in the "Further official information" below this artccle and enter «Researcher Workspace».
  • You have to be registered on the online platform in order to use it. If you haven’t created an account yet, you will be asked to.
  • Create your profile by filling all your personal information and then enter “create a new application”.
  • Select “Programme Atlas incoming ANNEE 2017” and then the specific call “FMSH : Caucase Sud > France”.
  • Fill all the information tabs.
  • In the “Documents” final tab, you will need to upload, into one single PDF document, your application form composed with:
  • A Curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum).
  • The copy of your PhD diploma.
  • A letter from the director of the host laboratory / center of research in France.
  • A letter from the director of the institution to which you belong in Ukraine.
  • A presentation with a maximum length of 10 000 characters (spaces and references included) consisting of:

- The objective and specific aim of the research project

- A bibliography

- The detailed program of the research stay (places and institutions to be visited, contacts)

You can save your application and complete it later several times if you wish, until the closure of the call for applications. Once you have submitted your application, you will no longer have the possibility to amend it.

For any information on the platform or in case of you meet difficulties to use it, please contact 

Incomplete application forms or applications that do not match the above description will not be taken into account.

Applications will be evaluated by a selection committee and results will be published on 31 January 2017.



To APPLY click "Further official information" below and fill the application form.

For more information click "Further official information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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