Academy Julius Fellowship, Royal Institute of International Affairs, UK

Publish Date: May 16, 2016

Academy Julius Fellowship, Royal Institute of International Affairs

The Academy Julius Fellowship is designed for future leaders, researchers and policy-makers from around the world with a strong interest in international economics and economic policy.

The Academy Julius Fellowship in International Economics honours Dame DeAnne Julius for her contribution to Chatham House over the last three decades. This fellowship is aimed at early to mid-career economic researchers from around the world with a strong interest in international economics and economic policy. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop further their understanding, ideas and approaches on the most pressing challenges facing the global economy, and to work closely with the International Economics team at Chatham House.

The International Economics Department at Chatham House produces policy-oriented research and analysis of the challenges facing the global economy. The department works with policy-makers and researchers around the globe to ensure that its independent analysis of global issues translates into practical and timely policy insights.

The International Economics Department provides the ideal environment for the fellow to undertake research; further develop personal interaction, communication and leadership skills; extend global networks; and deepen expertise by contributing to Chatham House’s activities.

The Academy Julius Fellow will be offered a comprehensive programme of activities and will contribute to the design, management and delivery of specific research projects in collaboration with the research director and other research staff.

Academy Julius Fellowship candidates will be in their early-to mid-career, and at a minimum have completed their PhD in international economics, international political economy or related subjects, or have equivalent research experience. They should possess knowledge of one of the policy areas currently being researched by the International Economics Department. Candidates need to be proficient in English, both oral and written, and have the confidence to engage with potential donors, experts and senior figures.

The fellow will benefit from one-on-one mentoring. This includes advice on the fellow’s research in the International Economics team and career development provided by Dame DeAnne Julius, departmental members and leading contacts.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a Chatham House Academy Julius Fellowship, candidates must:

  • At a minimum have completed a PhD in international economics, international political economy or related subjects, or have equivalent research experience;
  • Have a clearly defined area of research or policy interest that fits within one of the research topics outlined attached;
  • Have strong English writing and presentation skills; at a minimum the equivalent of IELTS band 7.0 or 100 on the internet-based TOEFL and 600 on the paper-based TOEFL;
  • Demonstrate a strong intention to progress their career in a think-tank, university, business, government department or international organization.

Research Topics

The fellows will be hosted by, and based in, the International Economics Department at Chatham House. During this time, the fellow will conduct a research project of their own design on one of the research topics specified below:

Topic 1: Reform of the international monetary system

  • Building the Renminbi (RMB) offshore market in London
  • Monetary integration: impact on Asia and Europe
  • China’s RMB strategy and the expansion of the offshore market in Asia
  • The evolving international monetary system and risks to global monetary and financial stability
  • Internationalization of the yen: lessons for the RMB
  • Imbalances, exchange rate arrangements and capital movement

Topic 2: The growth of financial centres and financial integration

  • London and Hong Kong within China’s RMB strategy

Topic 3: A changing world economy and the G20 framework

  • The future of the transatlantic economic relationship
  • The G8, G20 and global economic governance
  • Shifting monetary policy in a changing world economy

Topic 4: International competitiveness and growth

  • The world’s industrial transformation
  • Exploring the way markets, institutions and public policy interact to create and sustain competitive advantage in response to shifting competitive advantage in the global economy

Topic 5: European economic governance

  • European economic governance
  • Italy and the Eurozone
  • Growth and rebalancing within the Eurozone


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United Kingdom