APAGS and Psi Chi are committed to promoting psychological science and the needs of research-oriented students. The Junior Scientist Fellowship provides support for students entering their first year, or the first semester of their second year, of a research-oriented graduate program.
The intent of the Junior Scientist Fellowship is twofold: to provide funding for a first- or second-year graduate level project and to offer constructive feedback to select applicants to increase their chances of achieving success with a future National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship application.
The primary intent is to recognize outstanding research-oriented students who are entering their first year (or first semester of second year) of graduate study and to help them begin successful research programs/projects. Students in research-based psychology and neuroscience graduate programs are eligible to apply. (Read the eligibility section for further information.)
The second intent of this fellowship is to provide written feedback to applicants. Many students apply for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (eligibility requirements for the NSF fellowship) without previous experience applying for a research fellowship. It is our intent to provide feedback to strengthen their NSF graduate fellowship application.
Funds for this $1,000 fellowship must be used to support direct research costs. These funds can be used to pay participants, purchase essential equipment or software, acquire books or instruction manuals critical to one's line of research, pay fees to publish at open-access journals, or for other direct research costs. The funds cannot be used for indirect costs such as travel, personal computers, or class textbooks. The funds can be used in a student's first year (or second year, if submitting in the summer following one's first year) of graduate school for projects other than the one discussed in the graduate research plan statement for this application.
This grant is available only to students who have never earned a master’s or professional degree in any field, or completed more than 1 academic year in a graduate degree-granting program, unless (i) returning to graduate study after an interruption of 2 or more consecutive years immediately preceding the application deadline, and (ii) not enrolled in a graduate degree program at the application deadline.
Current or former APAGS committee members, subcommittee chairs and task force chairs are not eligible to apply for this grant. In addition, former APAGS subcommittee members or ad hoc reviewers who have previously reviewed this grant are not eligible.
Students entering into programs with a practice component are eligible but should describe their intention to pursue graduate-level research projects in the graduate research plan statement.
To be eligible, one must be both a current member of APA (as a student affiliate or other category) and a member of Psi Chi. This means that students entering their first year of graduate school must have joined Psi Chi as an undergraduate; students entering their second year of graduate school may have joined as undergraduates or during their second semester of graduate school.
- Students anywhere in the world are eligible provided they meet the criteria here.
- Students who have already been awarded the NSF GRFP are ineligible for the JSF.
- APA awards and grants may be subject to U.S. federal income tax withholding. Winners will need to complete either IRS form W-9 or IRS form W-8 BEN before a check can be issued.
Each application must include all of the following materials:
- Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement
- Graduate Research Plan Statement
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Letter of Recommendatio
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.