Conf/CfP - An Australasian journal of Medieval and early modern studies, 2022, CERÆ

Publish Date: Mar 31, 2022

Deadline: Apr 30, 2022

Rituals pervade human life. From small or mundane rituals like brushing our teeth or making one’s daily coffee, to grand ceremonies that mark important life stages, rituals are everywhere. This has prompted reflection on what rituals are, on what can be considered as ritual. Ceræ invites essays that analyse rituals of all kinds: public and private, communal and solitary, secular and religious, rapidly changing and long-lasting. It also welcomes theoretically- or methodologically-focused contributions.
Authors may address, but are not limited to:

Royal rituals: coronations, births, or marriage consummations etc.

  • How rituals can be used as an element of identity and alterity
  • Subversive and subverted ritual: witchcraft trials, historical (mis)perceptions of Jewish rites etc.
  • Sacred landscapes and rituals focused on/in the natural world
  • Ritual as a medium for memory and memorialisation
  • Sacrifices, magic, religious rites and their intercultural reception
  • Medieval and early modern political rituals such as guild processions
  • Ritual represented in medievalism, including film, fantasy, literature, and art

They invite submissions encompassing all aspects of the late classical, medieval, and early modern world. There are no geographical restrictions. As an interdisciplinary journal, Ceræ encourages submissions from archaeology, art history, historical ecology, literature, linguistics, intellectual history, musicology, politics, social studies, and beyond.

Full length articles should be 5000-8000 words, excluding references. Ceræ also accepts short notices of up to 3000 words. For submission instructions, please visit our page on submission guidelines. We also accept non-themed submissions throughout the year. Ceræ particularly encourages submissions from postgraduate and early career researchers, and offers a $200 (AUD) annual prize for the best postgraduate/ECR essay. Further information on our annual essay prize can be found here.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • I warrant that this article is entirely my own, original work, and that it contains no plagiarised material.
  • I warrant that it is not before another journal for consideration, and that it has not been published (in whole or in significant part), elsewhere.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Cerae Style Sheet.
  • I warrant that I have obtained, or will obtain, all necessary permissions from relevant copyright holders to reproduce or quote any material from other copyright sources contained in this work, including illustrations and audio-visual material. These permissions must cover the electronic distribution of the work, and the relevant documentation must be provided to Cerae. In the case of publication, I hereby indemnify Cerae: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies against any claims for breach of this warranty.

For further information, please click the "LINK TO ORIGINAL" button below.

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