Summer School - The Florence Sculpture Course, 2022, Sacred Art School, Italy

Publish Date: Mar 05, 2022

Deadline: Apr 30, 2022

Event Dates: from Jul 04, 2022 12:00 to Jul 29, 2022 12:00

All the exercises will be oriented to the improvement of the observation, the training of the eye, that will allow the students to interpret the shape in a precise way. The course is divided into three weeks, in which the students will have a first approach to modeling with clay, where the student will learn the history of art through the works of the great Florentine masters and the historical and social context in which they were produced.

Total hours: 108
The course will be held in Italian and English

A three week introduction to the figure and portrait in the round:
“The Beauty of all things in the world as well of architecture lay in proportion, the origin of which may be said is divine; for it derives from the body of Adam who was not only made by the divine hands of God, but shaped in His image and likeness.”
Paul Freart de Chantelou, Diary of the Cavaliere Bernini’s Visit to France (Princeton University Press, 1985) pp. 9.
In our western tradition the human figure has always had an inseparable role in art and reached its highest summit in the light of the Incarnation. With our rich Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian heritage, handed down to us through the will and piety of great generations past, it is hard to imagine an ancient temple without a crystalline marble deity, or a church without the face of a saint reflecting the light of God. It is therefore through embracing tradition and a pursuit of continuity that we offer a program modeled on the practice of the great masters.
This summer three week intensive introduction is meant to give an opportunity for both advanced and beginning students to hone their skills, who may not otherwise have time or resources to enroll in a complete three year program.
Students will work daily from the live model with the goal of training their eye to develop the ability to compose the human figure with anatomical accuracy.
Morning sessions from 9-12 will be devoted to life-size portraiture modeled upon a skull.

  • Afternoon sessions from 13-16 will be devoted to a half-size figure in the round.
  • Water based clay, armatures and instruments will be provided by the school
  • Should students wish to preserve their work, an additional four day casting course will be offered outside of the the three week intensive for an additional cost of 750 eur which will cover the cost of silicon and plaster.

Monday – Thursday: 10.00am – 5.00pm
Friday: 10.00am – 1.00pm

€ 1500.00, to be paid by the 29th June 2022.
All materials are included in the program.

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