Research Group on Neuroscience of Language and Pragmatics, Department of Philosophy and Humanities, WE4, FU Berlin
The ERC Advanced Grant “Material Constraints Enabling Human Cognition (MatCo)” at the Freie Universität Berlin aims to build network models of the human brain that mimic neurocognitive processes involved in language, communication and cognition. The main aim is to use neural network models constrained by neuroanatomical and neurophysiological features to explain aspects of human cognition. To this end, neural network simulations will be preformed and models will be evaluated in experimental research (neuroimaging, neurophysiology).
In the context of this research project, 7 positions are available from 1.4.2021:
2 full-time positions for Scientific Researchers at the postdoctoral level Fixed-term (36 months), Salary Scale 13 TV-L FU
ID: MatCo01 and MatCo02
The primary task of these researchers will be to build, advance, and apply biologically constrained networks for explaining human cognition and language.
2 part-time positions (65%) for Scientific Researchers at the predoctoral level Fixed-term (36 months), Salary Scale 13 TV-L FU, 65% ID: MatCo03 and MatCo04
These researchers will focus on preparing, performing, and evaluating cognitive and neuroscience experiments to evaluate constrained model results empirically.
Job tasks and responsibilities:
- Performing network simulations with biologically constrained network models to explain aspects of human cognitive and language processing.
- Modifying and optimizing these models based on neuroscience data.
- Investigating the biological basis of language and communication with neurocognitive (EEG, ECoG, fMRI) and behavioral experiments.
- Completed university education (Magister or Master) in a relevant field (linguistics, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, medicine)
- For the full time postdoctoral positions, completion of a PhD or MD is required.
- Strong background in cognitive neurocomputation, neuroscience of language, neuroimaging and/or linguistics, in particular semantics/pragmatics
- very good German and English skills
In the context of the ERC project MatCo, the following posts will be filled at the Research Group on Neuroscience of Language and Pragmatics of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities, Institute of German and Dutch Languages, of the Freie Universität Berlin:
1 full-time position for a Scientific Researcher at the postdoctoral level and
2 part-time positions (50%) for Scientific Researchers at the predoctoral level Fixed-term (60 months), Salary Scale 13 TV-L FU
IDs: Inst_SemPrag1 (Postdoc), Inst_SemPrag2A/B (Predocs)
These scientists will take on teaching and experimental research in semantics and pragmatics in the context of MatCo. Formal job advertisements for these latter positions will follow soon, see
More information can be found at in case of further questions, please contact
The application deadline is 15.02.2021. Applications should include CV (with publications and teaching if applicable), statement of research interests and degree certificates. They should be sent by e-mail, as one attached pdf file, to
Applications by surface mail should be sent to:
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie AB Neurowissenschaft der Sprache und Pragmatik Herrn Prof. Dr. Friedemann Pulvermüller Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin (Dahlem), Germany
By submitting an online application, you as an applicant, agree that your data will be electronically processed and stored. Please note that in the case of unprotected electronic transmission of your application, the Freie Universität Berlin can give no guarantee for the security of transmitted personal data.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: