PhD Studentships 2020, National Centre for the Replacement Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research, UK

Publish Date: Apr 25, 2020

Deadline: May 04, 2020

PhD Studentships

What is a Studentship?

PhD Studentship awards embed the 3Rs in the training of graduate scientists from a broad range of scientific backgrounds. Applications from any area of medical, biological or veterinary research are within remit; those that integrate a range of disciplines or include an industrial partner are particularly encouraged. This competition is run annually with up to twelve awards available, with a value of £30k (non-FEC) per annum for three years. The budget for the 2020 call is £1.08 million.

Following the success of last year’s competition, this year we will be co-funding up to two more joint awards with Unilever for projects within non-animal safety assessment. Awards are for £30k (non-FEC) per annum for three years.

Applications for these joint awards should focus on the following areas:

  • Clearance mechanisms – renal, liver metabolism

  • Local exposure – microbiome, skin, lung

  • Non-animal models with human focus

  • Repeat dosing

Who can apply?

Establishment eligibility

Supervisors from any UK research establishment including:

  • Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
  • Independent Research Organisations (IROs)
  • Research Council (RC) Institutes

The research organisation is responsible for finding students and the administration of each studentship during the award.

Individual eligibility
  • Applicants should be UK-based researchers with a minimum of five years' postdoctoral experience.

  • A minimum of two Supervisors should be included on an application.
  • Applicants with limited supervisory experience are encouraged to name a more experienced colleague as a Co-Supervisor.

  • The lead applicant must have a contract of employment with the RO that will outlast the duration of the proposed application.

  • If an NC3Rs grant holder has more than 12 months remaining on their NC3Rs grant, at the time of application, they are not permitted to apply as a Primary Investigator for further NC3Rs funding (excluding CRACK IT and Strategic Awards – please contact the Office to discuss).

  • A proposal may integrate two disciplines or departments; however, applicants must ensure that the training content remains coherent and focused on delivering a specific set of research skills.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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United Kingdom