PhD Studentships
What is a Studentship?
PhD Studentship awards embed the 3Rs in the training of graduate scientists from a broad range of scientific backgrounds. Applications from any area of medical, biological or veterinary research are within remit; those that integrate a range of disciplines or include an industrial partner are particularly encouraged. This competition is run annually with up to twelve awards available, with a value of £30k (non-FEC) per annum for three years. The budget for the 2020 call is £1.08 million.
Following the success of last year’s competition, this year we will be co-funding up to two more joint awards with Unilever for projects within non-animal safety assessment. Awards are for £30k (non-FEC) per annum for three years.
Applications for these joint awards should focus on the following areas:
Clearance mechanisms – renal, liver metabolism
Local exposure – microbiome, skin, lung
Non-animal models with human focus
Repeat dosing
Who can apply?
Establishment eligibility
Supervisors from any UK research establishment including:
- Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
- Independent Research Organisations (IROs)
- Research Council (RC) Institutes
The research organisation is responsible for finding students and the administration of each studentship during the award.
Individual eligibility-
Applicants should be UK-based researchers with a minimum of five years' postdoctoral experience.
- A minimum of two Supervisors should be included on an application.
Applicants with limited supervisory experience are encouraged to name a more experienced colleague as a Co-Supervisor.
The lead applicant must have a contract of employment with the RO that will outlast the duration of the proposed application.
If an NC3Rs grant holder has more than 12 months remaining on their NC3Rs grant, at the time of application, they are not permitted to apply as a Primary Investigator for further NC3Rs funding (excluding CRACK IT and Strategic Awards – please contact the Office to discuss).
A proposal may integrate two disciplines or departments; however, applicants must ensure that the training content remains coherent and focused on delivering a specific set of research skills.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: