Summer School - The Holocaust Meets the Post-colonial in the Global Memory Space, 25 - 30 August 2019, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea

Publish Date: Feb 14, 2019

Deadline: Mar 31, 2019

Event Dates: from Aug 25, 2019 12:00 to Aug 30, 2019 12:00

Call for Applications: summer school 'The Holocaust Meets the Post-colonial

in the Global Memory Space'

Call for Applications
9th Flying University of Transnational Humanities (FUTH)
The Holocaust Meets the Post-colonial in the Global Memory Space
CGSI, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea (August 25-30, 2019)

Context of the Summer School

Each year beginning in 2010, the Flying University of Transnational Humanities (FUTH) has gathered graduate students and young scholars in the humanities and social sciences across the globe for a summer school centering on presentations by leading scholars and sharing of information and perspectives by all participants. As a truly transnational, transregional, transdisciplinary collaboration, it profits from the willingness of participants to share the core argument of their current research project and to situate it in a global context.

FUTH takes its name from Poland's Flying University, an underground educational movement first started in Warsaw in the late 19th century under Russian rule, and later revived during the Nazi occupation to offer alternative educational opportunities beyond the confines of state control and government censorship. FUTH was founded in 2010 by Jie-Hyun Lim, while he was the director of the Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture (RICH) at Hanyang University. Since 2015, its head office has been relocated to the Critical Global Studies Institute (CGSI) at Sogang University. Currently, FUTH's partner institutions are University of Leipzig (Germany), University of Pittsburgh (USA), St. Andrews University (UK), University of Tampere (Finland), National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), Cornell University (USA), NIOD (Netherland) and Sogang University (South Korea). The hosting of FUTH is rotated each year among these partner institutions. The 9th FUTH will take place on the Sogang University campus in Seoul, Korea (August 25-30, 2019).

Thematic Focus:

“The Holocaust Meets the Post-colonial in the Global Memory Space”

A spatial turn of the globalization reconfigured the mnemoscapes dramatically in the 21st Century. With the emergence of the global memory space, the mnemoscapes have shifted from the national to global. Memories have become entangled, cohabitated, reconciled, contested, conflicted and negotiated across borders in the global memory space.

Today’s global memory formations carry a palimpsest structure reflecting the memories of upheavals and cataclysms of the modernity at large from the early accumulation of capital to the post-Cold War neoliberalism. Memories of the slavery, racism, colonial genocide, nationalism, world wars, holocaust, anti-colonial liberation movements, Revolution ’68, feminist movements, social minority movements, multi-culturalism become more and more interconnected.

The 9th FUTH traces the processes of global memory formation and its profound influence on people’s life by investigating how the holocaust meets the postcolonial. We look at how these violent and destabilizing events can be traced in places, stories, objects, and practices. It intends to illuminate how nations’ territorialized collective memories have been interwoven with one another beyond the confines of nation-states by way of cross-referencing, imitating, confronting and competing. The 9th FUTH explores the significance of entangled memory formations in diverse regions, which allow us to deconstruct the monopoly of Eurocentrism in memory studies and helps building forms of global memory formation fostering mnemonic solidarity and dialogue. What is at stake are these questions as below.

  • How can we go beyond the boundaries of national, territorial, and ideological memory formation?
  • Which approaches we need to take in order to recognize hierarchies in global memory formations and its effects?

Format of the Summer School

This Summer School will feature keynote lectures & plenary sessions, group seminars (panels of papers) led by leading thinkers, and film screening & GV, a thematic field trip.

Keynote lectures and plenary sessions are open to the public. Participants are also expected to join group seminars based on their priority of choice. In the seminar, the leader will address main aspect of their problematics, and each of the participants is expected to give a 25-minute paper on their work, comment on the papers of their fellow seminar participants, and to contribute to the general dialogue of the theme.

Lectures by:

  • Dirk Moses (University of Sidney), “Postcolonial Violence and the Question of Genocide”
  • Bill Niven (Nottingham Trent University), “Memorials and Memorialization of Holocaust”
  • Eve Rosenhaft (CGSI), “Holocaust and Black Victims”
  • Frank van Vree (NIOD), “The colonial/postcolonial memory”
  • Jie-Hyun Lim (CGSI), “The Holocaust Meets the Post-colonial in the Global Memory Space”


We invite applications from graduate students and junior scholars in all disciplines. Prospective participants should send proposals that include a title, a 500-word abstract, a short(2-page) CV, names of two referees to by March 31, 2019. Proposals should include a clear topic and may include methods, temporal organization, and reference to any links between the proposal and broader global, historical, and especially transdisciplinary approaches and questions. Selected participants will be invited for paper presentations or as discussants in transdisciplinary workshops. Those admitted will be notified on April 30, 2019.

Important Date

  • Application deadline: March 31, 2019
  • Announcement of acceptance: April 30, 2019
  • Paper submission deadline: June 21, 2019

Registration Fee

  • USD: 200 (Accommodation and conference meals will be provided)
    Please note: students will have to raise funds themselves to pay for the trip to Seoul as well as the fee of USD 200.
  • Contact email:
  • Website:

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