Le Studium Reserch Fellowship Smart Loire Valley Program 2019, France

Publish Date: Nov 26, 2018

Deadline: Feb 07, 2019


The LE STUDIUM RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP of the Smart Loire Valley Programme is designed to attract internationally competitive researchers for one year. An average of twelve awards are available per campaign. Experienced international researchers are eligible to submit an application after having negotiated their acceptance to a host laboratory and/or host enterprise based in the Centre-Val de Loire region.


  • 12 months residency to lead a collaborative research project
  • integration into the international research faculty in the Centre-Val de Loire region
  • involvement in the scientific exchanges, network activities and animation led by LE STUDIUM to favour transdisciplinary exchanges
  • organisation of a set of scientific events (conferences, workshops, lectures….)
  • creation of a long lasting link between the international researcher and the host laboratory

 This fellowship award is available for the arrival of the applicant researcher between 1st September 2019 and 30th June 2020.

An indicative application form is also available below. Please note that this form is designed to share information between the partners of a project.


For the period 2015-2020, LE STUDIUM operates with a co-financing from the European Union in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) - COFUND (Co-Funding of regional, national and international programmes) for the mobility of experienced researchers.

Created in 1996, inspired by the Loire Valley historical, geographical and human cultures, the objective of LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies is to create a dynamic outwards-looking international scientific community in region Centre-Val de Loire (France) covering all research disciplines and involving public and private research institutions.

One of its principal missions is to attract and welcome experienced international researchers to the laboratories and enterprises of region Centre-Val de Loire. To date, LE STUDIUM has attracted more than 170 experienced researchers to the region coming from 43 countries.

1- Applicant’s contact details

Give the following details concerning the applicant: first name, surname, title, birth date, nationality, laboratory, institution, professional address, phone number, email, website and specialty.

2- Summary of the proposal

Write a summary of the proposal in English and French; it may be used in public media if the proposal is funded. If necessary the applicant should seek the assistance of the host scientist for the summary in French.

Content limited to 2000 characters for each summary.

3- Proposal

-> Background, Aims: describe the specific aims of the project, including a clear statement of the hypothesis to be tested

-> Research Plan: Describe the methods and techniques to be used and research plan, including as appropriate:

  • Description of the experiment design;

  • Techniques to be used;

  • Methods of statistical analysis;

  • Strengths and weaknesses of the study design

Content limited to 40000 characters.

Indicate if the proposal involves collecting data on humans or animal experimentation.

If yes, refer to the Ethics section in the Guidelines and explain your strategy to manage and comply with the requirements for compliance with Ethics regulations in region Centre-Val de Loire and obligations to provide LE STUDIUM with the necessary Ethics Approval documents.

4- Signifiance, Innovation and Interdisciplinarity

  • Significance & Innovation

Describe the importance of the problem to be researched, the planned outcome of the research, and the potential significance of the research.

Describe the innovative aspects in your proposal specify the contribution of the research project to the development of knowledge in the scientific field.

Content limited to 5000 characters.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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