CfA - Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research on Chinese Buddhism, 2018, Paris, France

Publish Date: Jun 28, 2018

Deadline: Jun 30, 2018

Sheng Yen Postdoctoral Fellowship


With the support of the Sheng Yen Education Foundation (Taiwan), the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Buddhism (CEIB) offers one postdoctoral fellowship (salaried position, 21 months) in 2018 for a scholar with a recently completed Ph.D., for research on Chinese Buddhism (汉传佛教). The CEIB is a French center devoted to the study of Buddhism across all academic disciplines. Established in 2016, it relies on the expertise and networks constituted over the years by researchers based in its three cofounding institutions—INALCO, EPHE and Collège de France—and other French institutions, in the aim of better tackling the scientific challenges related to religious mutations and disciplinary reconfigurations, while preserving and promoting the French heritage of two centuries of Buddhist studies. The CEIB is attached to the ASIEs research unit of INALCO, and managed administratively and financially by INALCO. 1.

Eligibility: any candidate having obtained a doctoral degree in France or abroad within the 5-year period before the deadline for submitting applications (30 June 2018) is eligible; the doctoral dissertation needs to have been defended by the deadline for submitting applications.

Duties: the postdoctoral fellow is in charge of carrying out, scientifically and technically, his or her project, with the support and guidance of the CEIB. The postdoctoral fellow must also contribute service for the common interests of the CEIB, in particular in terms of organization of CEIB scientific activities and outreach. A contract stipulating the obligations of the postdoctoral fellow will be signed between CEIB and the successful candidate.

Beginning date of fellowship: 1st September 2018. 4. Fellowship location: CEIB, Maison de la recherche, INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris, France.

Working languages: English and Chinese, with preference for candidates who master French.

Monthly fellowship net* salary: approximately 2000 €. (* In France, “net” means after deduction of national health insurance and other contributions, but pre-income-tax.)

Contents of application dossier (which may be submitted in French or in English):

- Application and motivation letter (1 page);

- Detailed curriculum vitae with publications list (max. 5 pages);

- Research project (on Chinese Buddhism exclusively): between 10,000 and 20,000 characters, spaces included, for the text itself, with additionally a summary of 100-200 words and a bibliography;

- Official report on the dissertation defense (if applicable);

- Scanned copy of the doctoral diploma.

The above-mentioned documents must be collated in a single PDF file, in the given order. - One significant publication: a research article published (in print or electronic format) or accepted for publication by a review committee. (Here also, the document is to be submitted as a PDF file.) 

Dossier submission: The dossier (a single PDF file named “CEIB Sheng Yen Postdoc [candidate’s name]”) and the significant publication (also PDF file) must be sent by Saturday, 30 June 2018 (6 PM, Paris time), to the two following addresses: Dr. JI Zhe, CEIB Director: and Dr. Nicolas SIHLE, CEIB Secretary general: The results will be announced on 10 July 2018


For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

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