CfA - Visiting Fellowship Program 2019, University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Publish Date: Jun 19, 2018

Deadline: Oct 30, 2018

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies – lucernaiuris is a hub for cutting-edge teaching and research that crosses traditional boundaries between law, the humanities and the social sciences.

Visiting Fellows Programme

The Visiting Fellows Programme is intended to accommodate promising young scholars who wish to spend a period of time at the institute pursuing research on a particular topic. During their stay, fellows enjoy access to our specialist resources, and are invited to share and develop their ideas via participation in lectures, seminars, colloquia and conferences.

 Tailored to postgraduate and postdoctoral candidates in particular, the programme is open not only to legal scholars but also to those working in the humanities and social sciences whose research promises significant insights for the institute’s own areas of focus. The aim of the initiative is to generate new national and international collaborations, and to foster inter- and transdisciplinary exchange. We strongly believe that the academic and international diversity of our fellows greatly enriches the intellectual life of the institute.

 Research Areas

 The Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies – lucernaiuris is a hub for cutting-edge teaching and research that crosses traditional boundaries between law, the humanities and the social sciences


The Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies – lucernaiuris The Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies – lucernaiuris is a hub for cutting-edge teaching and research that crosses traditional boundaries between law, the humanities and the social sciences. It holds a distinctive position within the national and international academic landscape as an innovative forum for intellectual exchange and collaboration.

The institute’s activities currently focus on the following main themes:

 Law, Media and Technology

 Law and Economics

 Histories of Law and Justice  Constitutional History

 Urban Legal History

 Law, Arts and Humanities

 Theory and History of Intellectual Property Rights  Law and Biomedicine

 Law and Sustainability

Teaching & Research

 Teaching

At the core of our teaching philosophy lies a firm conviction of the importance of what in German are usually referred to as the ‘foundational subjects’ (juristische Grundlagenfächer) for the discipline of legal studies. Our courses encourage students to engage with the historical, philosophical, economic, social and cultural dimensions of law, in the belief that such an approach is vital in (i) strengthening contextual and foundational knowledge; (ii) enhancing methodological competence in understanding structural and systemic connections; (iii) promoting critical reflection on the meaning and validity of positive law; and (iv) boosting the skills needed for practice as a lawyer, including analysis, evaluation and communication.

Two further principles are also central to our teaching programme. The first is the view that legal education in Switzerland should strive for a more intensive exchange with neighbouring disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Thus alongside conventional lectures in legal history, legal philosophy and legal sociology, we also offer a set of supplementary modules that pursue new and innovative interdisciplinary directions. The second is the belief that the study of law should also become more international in content and outlook. To this end, we aim to help familiarize students with other legal cultures and orders by opening up teaching to international guest lecturers, developing collaborative projects with partner universities, and nurturing student exchange relationships.

 Research

The institute is committed to advancing pioneering research and projects. We pride ourselves on being a hub of contact and exchange – an open laboratory for the discussion of issues and ideas, methods and theories. This openness is reflected in the work of our members, a great deal of which is based on innovative, often cross - disciplinary, collaborations with colleagues in Lucerne or at other institutions at home and abroad.  Each year, we run a varied programme of lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences. These activities enable us to not only foster a vibrant research community that brings together established and emerging academics, but to also consolidate existing national and international networks, and support new collaborations.

Visiting Fellows

It is in the spirit of furthering academic collaboration and exchange that the institute sponsors a Visiting Fellows scheme. The aim of the initiative is to enable visitors to spend a period of time in Lucerne, during which they can share and develop research and teaching ideas with our members. We believe that the academic and international diversity of our fellows greatly enriches the intellectual life of the institute. Each year, the institute allocates a limited number of funded fellowships for PhD students and postdocs. The grant covers travel and accommodation costs (up to a designated maximum), with the possibility of an additional stipend to defray supplementary living expenses. Applications are submitted in response to an annual call.


-The scheme is open to PhD and postdoctoral researchers. -There are no restrictions on nationality or country of residence.1 - The standard term limit for postdocs is up to five years after the completion of the PhD, whereby the reference date is 1 January (i.e. applicants should not have defended before 1 January 2014). - Exceptions to the above are possible. They must, however, be well founded and are made at the discretion of the assessment committee.

 Duration of Fellowship -The standard period of tenure of a fellowship is between thirty and sixty days. - Exceptions to the above are possible. They must, however, be well founded and are made at the discretion of the assessment committee.

 Requirements & Commitment - During their stay, fellows are generally expected to:

 participate in the institute’s activities (workshops, seminars, lectures, conferences);

 meet regularly with our members and other fellows;

 avail themselves of further opportunities for exchange;

 be in residence in Lucerne.

- Agreements on specific work tasks are made prior to commencement of the fellowship in liaison with the Head of Institute, Associate Director and/or designated academic mentor. These will be tailored to the needs, expectations and experience of individual fellows.

Options might include:

 presentation of a paper at a research seminar/colloquium;

 delivery of a guest lecture as part of a teaching module;

 (co-)organisation of a seminar or workshop - Upon completion of their stay, fellows are requested to write a brief feedback report (ca. 500 words).

 Benefits

- In return for the above, fellows are provided with:

 workspace at the university;

 borrowing privileges for both the Lucerne central library and the institute’s own reference collection;

 on-line services, including email and access to electronic journals;

 a varied calendar of lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences;

 a friendly and stimulating environment for discussion and reflection.

 Funding

- Fellowship grants are comprised of three main components:

 Reimbursement of return travel costs from country of residence to Lucerne (standard class, up to a maximum of 1’500 CHF);

 Coverage of accommodation costs (studio apartment/shared flat in Lucerne);

 Living allowance of between 100 CHF and 150 CHF per week for the duration of stay (dependent on current appointment and salary).

 Application Procedures - Applications are submitted in response to an annual call. - All candidates should submit:

 a completed application form;

 an up-to-date academic CV (including a list of publications, if applicable).

- Application forms can be downloaded from our website (

-The deadline for submission for the 2019 scheme is Tuesday 30 October 2018. 

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.


This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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