Uni­versity of Hel­sinki Mas­ter's Pro­gramme in Russian Studies 2018, Finland

Publish Date: Dec 21, 2017

Mas­ter's Pro­gramme - Rus­sian Stud­ies / Uni­versity of Hel­sinki

Rus­sia in global con­text

Russia is an important player in today’s world. There will be an increasing need in the future for expertise in Russian culture, politics, and society in a variety of fields in national and international arenas. The Russian Studies Master’s Programme at the University of Helsinki is a two-year multi- and interdisciplinary programme for students who wish to acquire in-depth knowledge of Russia. The programme explores Russia’s past and present, and develops Russia-related expertise for use in professional careers. In the diverse global environments of complex societal change, the programme promotes critical thought and teaches analytical skills. The master’s programme in Russian studies is closely linked with the world-class, multidisciplinary research conducted at the Aleksanteri Institute and its international network.
The MA Programme in Russian Studies at the University of Helsinki promotes an understanding of Russia as a vital actor in globally-shared challenges. Both humanities and social science perspectives are essential in examining the impact of global challenges in Russia and Russia's responses to them. There will be an increasing need in the future for expertise in Russian culture, politics, and society in a variety of fields in national and international arenas.


The home of the Master's programme Russian Studies at the University of Helsinki is the Aleksanteri Institute, the largest and best-known European research institute of Russian studies. The scholars of the Institute have solid teaching experience and broad researcher credentials, which guarantee the quality of our teaching. One of the Aleksanteri Institute's central tasks is the development and implementation of long-term research programmes, single academic research projects, and non-academic projects with external partners. Thus, the Institute serves as a multidisciplinary and multifunctional research community for Finnish researchers in Russian, Easter European, and Central Asian studies.

Goal of the pro­gramme

Upon completion of the Master´s Programme in Russian Studies, you will have acquired in-depth knowledge of Russia’s past and present and developed Russia-related expertise for use in your future career. You will be able to recognise changes in your field of expertise, adjust your skills to these changes, and update your knowledge and skills independently.

Your expertise will give you a solid background in critical thinking and provide you with the readiness to face challenges in diverse professional environments. For instance, you can continue on to a career in government and education, or find employment in the media, the business world or in the service of non-governmental organisations.

Your studies will be conducted by the scholars of Aleksanteri Institute and other units of university of Helsinki, who have solid teaching experience and broad research credentials. Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki is the largest and best-known research institute for Russian studies in Europe. Based on the scholars’ experience in innovative approaches to area studies, the programme focuses on developing critical thinking and analytical skills in a global environment of increasing digitalization and complex social change.

Pro­gramme con­tents

The Master´s Programme in Russian Studies at the University of Helsinki promotes an understanding of Russia as a vital member of global and local communities and an important and powerful player today. There will be a continuing need in the future for expertise in Russian culture, politics, and society in a variety of fields in national and international arenas.

As a student of Russian Studies, you will learn to write essays and learning diaries and practice problem-solving learning. Your education will include attending lectures, participation in group work and workshops/seminars, and examinations.

In the Master’s studies programme, you will

  • Have the opportunity to acquire expertise in Russia for use in many fields that require knowledge of Russia, its culture and institutions
  • Have the opportunity to study basic Russian language courses if you have no prior skills in Russian
  • Have the opportunity to make short excursion(s)
  • Have the opportunity to participate in on-going research projects and create new ones
  • Strengthen your understanding of theory, and work on your academic writing skills
  • Participate in the Master’s thesis seminar, during which you will write your Master’s thesis and learn about career opportunities with Russia experts from different scientific fields

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