Young Investigator Awards 2017, USA

Publish Date: Feb 04, 2017

Deadline: Mar 01, 2017

Purpose of Award

Young Investigator Award 2017 $50,000 for one year

This Award is intended to support the development of outstanding research scientists and clinical cancer research investigators who have demonstrated a commitment to improving the understanding and treatment of bladder cancer. Investigators may be working in basic, translational, clinical, epidemiologic, bioengineering or any other field, but must be working in a research environment capable of supporting transformational bladder cancer research.

Applications will be judged on the quality of the applicant’s research plan and the resources and environment available to the applicant. This includes the ability of the primary mentor and relevant department to provide appropriate guidance and protected time during the Award period. It is the policy of BCAN not to provide indirect costs to the grant recipient’s institution.


  1. At the time of submission, the applicant must be within six years following completion of a
    professional degree such as MD, PhD, MD-PhD, MPH, or equivalent or clinical training such as residency or fellowship. The applicant may hold the title of Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Instructor, Research Associate, Assistant Professor or equivalent. At the time of the start of the grant, the applicant cannot hold the title of Associate Professor.
  2. The project must be bladder cancer specific (including upper tract urothelial carcinoma).
  3. Applicant must be from a US or Canadian sponsoring academic, nonprofit or governmental institution. Proof of permanent resident status or a valid a work visa is required if the applicant is not an American or Canadian citizen.
  4. Applicant must have a mentor within or approved by the sponsoring institution. The mentor must assume responsibility, ensure protected research time and provide guidance for the research. The sponsoring institution must ensure institutional support for the research. Although mentors who have specific knowledge and experience in bladder cancer are encouraged, in instances where the mentor lacks bladder cancer experience, additional collaborator support from experts in the bladder cancer field are strongly advised. The applicant can have collaborators from outside institutions. Applicant must submit a letter of approval from their institution should they wish to have a mentor from an outside institution.
  5. BCAN will not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, age or any other factor irrelevant to the quality of the application.
  6. Applications involving animals must receive approval from their Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Documentation of IACUC approval must be provided to BCAN prior to distribution of the Award.
  7. Applications involving human participants must receive approval from their Institutional Review Board (IRB). Documentation of IRB approval must be provided to BCAN prior to distribution of the Award and yearly during the funding period.
  8. Applications involving an Investigational New Drug (IND) must receive approval from their Institutional Review Board. Documentation of IND approval must be provided to BCAN prior to distribution of the Award and for each year of funding.
  9. Applications should include research milestones for the conclusion of the grant.
  10. Prior BCAN Young Investigator Award winners are not eligible to apply for this award. 11. BCAN will accept only one proposal from each applicant.

Evaluation Process and Criteria

Interested applicants must submit an application by 5:00 PM (EST) on Wednesday, March 1, 2017. The award decision will be announced by June 2017. The 2017 Young Investigator Award will start on July 15, 2017.

Evaluation of the applications will be by a Scientific Review Group comprised of medical experts respected for their own accomplishments in genitourinary cancer research and as leaders in the field. The Scientific Review Group will review and score the applications based on the merits of the research proposals. The Award review process is based on the same peer review system
utilized by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Scoring of research projects is done individually by each medical expert and scores are added together to determine the final ranking of each proposal. Any reviewer with a conflict of interest is excused from voting on a specific application.

The Chair of the Scientific Review Group will present the highest ranked proposals to the Bladder Cancer Research Network (BCRN) Management Committee (comprised of members of BCAN’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), as well as patient advocates), which will accept the scientific merit scores. The Management Committee will review the ranking of the top applications based solely on those scores and recommend the final Award decisions, based on all included criteria specified in the

RFA, for approval by the BCAN Board of Directors. Any member of the Management Committee or the BCAN Board of Directors with a conflict of interest is excused from voting on the Award decisions.
Evaluation of the proposals will include, but not be limited to the following:

  1. Merit of the research plan and objectives
  2. Project’s relevance to the prevention, detection, diagnosis and/or treatment of bladder cancer
  3. Applicant’s qualifications
  4. Ability of primary mentor to provide appropriate guidance during the award period and demonstration that there are adequate resources available to the applicant to support the research project
  5. Appropriateness of budget to completing the research plan during the grant period

Terms of Award

Payments will be made to the comptroller or to the designated financial officer of the sponsoring institution which shall then disburse the funds to the individual Award recipient. The Award start date will be July 15, 2017. The Award recipient and the sponsoring institution shall pay at their own costs all taxes and impositions in connection with the Award. The Award does not create an employer-employee relationship between the Award recipient and BCAN. BCAN does not assume any legal responsibility or obligation for the conduct or acts of the grant recipient, the mentor, or the sponsoring institution.

At the conclusion of the Award period, the Award recipient must complete a final report summarizing the research conducted, and any plans to continue the research beyond the Award period.

Publications, research talks and poster presentations based on any study or research done with the support of the Award should acknowledge the support of BCAN. Reprints of such publications or abstracts should be sent to BCAN.

The Award recipient will be expected to present research results at the conclusion of the Award at BCAN’s Annual Bladder Cancer Think Tank meeting in August 2018.

In the event the Award recipient’s research is interrupted due to an incapacitating physical or mental illness or death, the Award will be terminated and the unused portion of the funds must be returned to BCAN by the sponsoring institution within 30 days of the date of termination.

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