About the Workshop. Culture Analytics Beyond Text: Image, Music, Video, Interactivity and Performance
This workshop focuses on developing computational and mathematical techniques for the analysis of large sets of cultural artifacts beyond text, and includes considerations of material and graphic design, architecture, fashion, interactive media, games, film, photography, music, painting, sculpture, performance, and the kinesthetic dimensions of culture. The analysis of audio and visual data requires a different set of quantitative techniques than those devised for textual analysis. This challenge has become all the more acute, as every day individuals and institutions produce and publish hundreds of millions of digital cultural artifacts that are not text. The big data revolution is not only a text-based one, and these enormous new resources of non-text culture require equally revolutionary techniques for meaningful analysis.
The event will highlight novel methods for examining the multidimensional aspects of these cultural expressive forms. Aspects include structural configuration, dynamics in time and space, the changing social implications of artistic production and reception, and the cognitive multiplicity of perception and action, from genesis to memetic diffusion. The workshop aims to provide a point of reference for future research. By identifying and addressing pain-points, conceptual differences, and radical opportunities across the disciplines, our conversation has the potential to facilitate new scholarship in the arts, design, computation, information science, applied mathematics, and the physics of culture.
This workshop will include a poster session; a request for posters will be sent to registered participants in advance of the workshop.
Alfred Bruckstein (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Mauro Maggioni (Duke University, Mathematics and Computer Science)
Lev Manovich, Chair (The Graduate Center, CUNY, Computer Science)
Isabel Meirelles (OCAD University)
Vwani Roychowdhury (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Professor, Electrical Engineering)
Maximilian Schich (University of Texas at Dallas)
Application & Registration
The application form is for those requesting financial support to attend the workshop. We urge you to apply early. Applications received by Monday, January 25, 2016 will receive fullest consideration. Questions and supporting documents should be sent to the email below. Successful applicants will be notified as soon as funding decisions are made. If you do not need or want to apply for funding, you may simply register. IPAM will close registration if we reach capacity; for this reason, we encourage you to register early.
We have funding especially to support the attendance of recent PhD’s, graduate students, and researchers in the early stages of their career; however, mathematicians and scientists at all levels who are interested in this area are encouraged to apply for funding. Encouraging the careers of women and minority mathematicians and scientists is an important component of IPAM’s mission and we welcome their applications.
Please send your questions and supporting documents to: caws1@ipam.ucla.edu
IPAM has room blocks at the following local hotels for workshop participants. You may also consult IPAM’s Hotel Page for other options.
Hilgard House is a short walk from IPAM and Westwood Village. They offer free parking for one car, excluding vans and SUVs. The UCLA rate is $157/night for single occupancy (about $179 with tax). Please identify yourself as an IPAM guest when you make your reservation. Rooms will be blocked until three weeks before the first day of the workshop. If you use the hotel’s online form to make your reservation, refer to the IPAM program in the comment box and they will adjust your rate accordingly.
Hilgard House Hotel
927 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024 (map)
Phone: 310-208-3945 or 800-826-3934
Email: Hilgard House Hotel Reservations
Hotel Palomar is a Kimpton Hotel on Wilshire Blvd. It is within walking distance of IPAM, but also offers shuttle service upon request. There is a restaurant on site. Parking is available to IPAM guests at the discounted rate of $25/day. IPAM’s room rate at Hotel Palomar is $199/night (around $230 with tax) through June 30, 2016. To make your reservation, email or call Karen Fernandez, the IPAM reservations coordinator, and identify yourself as an IPAM guest. Rooms will be blocked until two weeks before the first day of the workshop.
Hotel Palomar
10740 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90024
Phone: 424-901-7292
Email: Karen.fernandez@kimptonhotels.com
Speakers and participants receiving IPAM support should consult their offer letters and the Policies page for specific instructions and limitations.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: