Women Leading in Business Executive MBA Scholarship
The University of Sydney Business School is committed to addressing the under-representation of women in senior leadership roles.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) gender indicator figures released in August 2015 reveal that men continue to hold the majority of Australia’s top leadership positions. This includes senior positions within corporate Australia, the judiciary, federal and state parliamentarians, and managers in the Australian Public Service.
To help address this under-representation and to accelerate progress toward gender equality The University of Sydney Business School is offering one scholarship annually from 2017 to a woman undertaking the Global Executive MBA.
Through the Global Executive MBA program, The University of Sydney Business School fosters the advancement of women’s education by developing the skill sets needed to take up senior leadership roles in competitive business environments.
Open to all women who have applied and have completed an interview, and received and accepted an offer of admission to the degree Executive Master of Business Administration.
Applicants for this award fulfil admission requirements to the Executive MBA, as outlined below.
Admission requirements
An applicant for admission to candidature for the degree must:
- Have a bachelor's degree, graduate diploma or other AQF Level 7 qualification, or equivalent at an institution approved by the School and at a standard acceptable to the School; and
- Have met the work experience requirements of the Business School (approximately 10 years of professional leadership experience); and
- Submit a ‘Statement of Motivation’; a one page statement outlining what the applicant hopes to achieve professionally and personally by completing The University of Sydney Business School’s Executive Master of Business Administration; and
- Attend a selection interview with the Global Executive MBA selection committee to establish the candidate’s suitability for the degree.
In exceptional circumstances, the School may admit you without these qualifications if, in the opinion of the School, you have qualifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the award.
The scholarship covers 66% (2/3 costs) of tuition fees for the Global Executive MBA.
The scholarship is tenable for the 1.5 year span of the degree, where the Recipient fulfils requirements for the award of the degree. The recipient must maintain a minimum enrolment load of two units (24 credit points) of study each semester.
Scholarship payment is applied to the Student’s tuition fees following the semester census dates of 31 March and 31 August. Prior to census date and after the student has been recorded to the award the student’s fee statement will reflect that 66% of their tuition fees is liable to Third Party.
The recipient receiving this award is required to pay the balance of their tuition fees, their Student Services and Amenities fee and the relevant in-country fees for each residential Unit of Study.
Selection Process
The following outlines the steps involved in the selection process:
Applicants are required to complete an online application form for admission to the Global Executive MBA.
Applicants must use the online application form to submit their curriculum vitae, a copy of their academic transcript, a copy of their passport photo page, and a one-page statement of motivation that addresses what the applicant hopes to achieve professionally and personally by completing the Global Executive MBA.
In addition, applicants should submit a further one-page statement addressing the scholarship selection criteria:
- leadership experience;
- contribution to women’s success in the workplace and/or community;
- support of the empowerment of women and promotion of gender diversity; and
- experience mentoring, or the potential to mentor women.
All applications will be assessed by the Global Executive MBA scholarship selection committee which consists of the Director, Executive MBA; Manager, Executive Programs; and, Program Coordinator, Executive MBA.
Those women interviewed by the Global Executive MBA selection committee, offered a place on the degree and who accept their offer of a place on the degree will be eligible to be considered for the award of the ‘Women Leading in Business Global Executive MBA Scholarship’.
The Selection Committee will nominate one candidate for award to the Dean, the University of Sydney Business School, on the basis of their application, supporting documentation, statement of motivation, performance at interview and their statement addressing the scholarship selection criteria.
For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: