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Oxford Summer School - Cancer Research: A Beginner's Guide, 7-14 August 2021, UK

Publish Date: Jan 24, 2021

Deadline: Feb 28, 2021

Event Dates: from Aug 07, 2021 12:00 to Aug 14, 2021 12:00


Cancer Research: A Beginner's Guide


Cancer has resisted our attempts to treat it for over a century. Why? One answer is that we simply didn’t understand what cancer was. Even the tools we used to explore cancer were inadequate until an explosion of biochemical techniques in the 1980s and 90s.

Should we then have hope? I think we should. The quality of questions has improved in the last 20 years. We understand our enemy better and our tools for fighting back are improving.

You will learn more about cancer, discover how far we have come, and what the future may hold for cancer medicine.  

Programme details

Session 1

History of cancer

Session 2

Evolution’s effect on cancer

Session 3

The characteristics of cancer

Session 4

Cell biochemistry – how it works

Session 5

Genetics and cancer

Session 6

The microenvironment of cancer

Session 7

Imaging the disease

Session 8


Session 9


Session 10


Session 11

More ideas for the future

Session 12

Clinical Trials

Course aims

This course aims to introduce cancer research assuming no knowledge on the part of the participants. We will explore what cancer is, where the challenges are and what research is developing. The course will paint a vision of how cancer medicine might change over the next 20 years.

Teaching methods

All summer school courses are taught through group seminars and individual tutorials. Students also conduct private study when not in class and there is a well stocked library at OUDCE to support individual research needs.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be expected to understand:

  • Cancer biology and how it leads to heterogeneity and resistance
  • How radiotherapy works and the opportunities for the future
  • How traditional chemotherapy and targeted drugs work
  • MRI, CT, and PET imaging and their applications
  • The immune system and the application of immunotherapies
  • The PICOT criteria for a clinical trial and will be able to interpret a P-value and confidence interval

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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