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15 Doctoral Fellowships - Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Programme 2020-2023, University of Oulu, Finland

Publish Date: Jun 24, 2019

Deadline: Aug 07, 2019

15 Doctoral Students, Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Programme


The University of Oulu is an international science university creating new knowledge, well-being and innovations for the future through its multidisciplinary research and education. Close cooperation with various research institutes, companies and the public sector has created an internationally significant research and innovation hub that is changing the world. The University of Oulu has 15,000 students and approximately 3,000 employees.

15 funded doctoral student positions in Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Programme available for application

University of Oulu is now hiring highly motivated candidates for doctoral student positions in the doctoral programmes of the University of Oulu Graduate School (UniOGS). There are 15 positions available in Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Programme (DP-TNS).

Successful candidates must commit to researcher training within Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Programme and to completing their degree within four years.

DP-TNS covers wide range of fields in technology and natural sciences. As one of the four multidisciplinary doctoral programmes of the University of Oulu Graduate School, DP-TNS is a fundamental part of the University's strategic focus areas of “Creating sustainability through materials and systems” and “Earth and near-space system and environmental change”. The DP it strengthens the systematic and strong research training and collaboration in its fields. The DP operates closely with the Kvantum Institute, which promotes research in the two research focus areas. Doctoral students in the DP are strongly encouraged to interact across disciplinary and faculty boundaries during their studies. The number of doctoral students in DP-TNS is about 500. The number of doctoral students in DP-TNS is about 500. There are 15 full-time, four-year positions available in DP-TNS for 2020-2023. 


An eligible candidate has a Master’s degree or an equivalent degree in a field relevant to the applied field. The degree must have been completed before the selection with at least good grades. Applicants are expected to be at the very early stage of research, in practice starting their doctoral training with this position. If they already have doctoral study rights in University of Oulu or elsewhere, they need to explain why they should still be considered as starters or early-stage researchers. Any applicant who have received their doctoral study rights 6.8.2017, or before, are ineligible to apply.

In student selection, priority will be given to such doctoral students whose supervisor is not receiving strategic spearhead or emerging funding related to doctoral training from the University of Oulu during the applicable term, i.e. 2020 onwards.

-          Architecture, Biology, Geography, Geosciences and Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing, Industrial Engineering and Management, Mathematical Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, or Process and Environmental Engineering.

Prior to submitting, applicants are expected to find a prospective main supervisor in an eligible research unit. Applicants are advised to seek potential supervisors in the faculty web pages or the research focus area web pages. The proposed main supervisor must clearly be identified in the application form (full name, title, position, faculty and research unit at the University of Oulu). A letter from the proposed supervisor willing to commit for supervision must be attached into the applicant’s set of documents (see below).

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the commitment letter does not bind the proposed supervisor to any commitment, if the applicant is not selected into the doctoral student position applied here and for which the letter of support was provided.

Salary and key terms

The salary of selected doctoral students will be initially set on level 2, and later on levels 2 – 4 of the national salary scale for the teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a supplementary remuneration is given for personal achievement and performance (max. 50 %). In practice, the salary is roughly 2200 – 2700 € per month for an early stage researcher, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and progress of the doctoral thesis.

Since this call is for starting doctoral researchers, the positions are filled for a four-year period, beginning on 1 January 2020. A six-month trial period is applied in the positions.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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