Miller Fellowships in Exile Studies
Sponsored by the Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Trust, funding is available for researchers in the field of German-speaking exile in the UK wishing to work at the Institute's Germanic Studies Library and its Archives. The Exile Archive dates to 1996-97, when the collection was established at the then Institute of Germanic Studies (now Institute of Modern Languages Research).
The Institute already held the papers of several individuals such as Rudolf Majut, Herbert Thoma and Berthold Auerbach, who were exiled from Germany and Austria during the 1930s as a result of persecution under the National Socialist regime. Since the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies was set up, the Institute has attracted further significant donations and bequests, among the most important being the papers of the Anglo-Austrian Society and the archive of Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller.
The Fellowship(s) are open to applicants from the UK and overseas. Candidates should have completed their doctorate and have a strong publications record. The Fellowship(s) are designed to provide a contribution to temporary living expenses in London, or to enable those in employment to take leave to further their studies. Awards are typically made for periods of between one and three months.
Visiting Fellows and Scholars currently based at the Institute
Further Details
The Fellowship(s) are tenable for the period stated (minimum period one month) between 1 September 2021 and 30 June 2022. Extensions to the original period of the Fellowship may be possible, but are subject to the same terms, and will not attract any additional financial support beyond the amount originally offered.
What the Institute Offers
The Institute offers shared office accommodation with wifi, internet/email, photocopying facilities, and access to the Institute's Germanic Studies Library, the Senate House Library, and the libraries of other Institutes within the School of Advanced Study. Fellows are offered free access to the Institute’s events, and are expected to participate as much as possible in the intellectual life of the Institute.
What Visiting Fellows Do
Fellows contribute to and enhance the scholarly activity of the Institute and the School of Advanced Study. In addition to giving a presentation at one of the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies' seminars, Visiting Fellows are invited to organise an event either during or resulting from their stay, or otherwise contribute to the work of the Institute. Fellows are also invited to place a recent, normally unpublished, piece of work in our open access repository, SAS-Space, and to contribute to the IMLR blog, Living Languages.
Publications resulting from research conducted during the tenure of the Fellowship must acknowledge the Institute and Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies at the IMLR and, where appropriate, a copy should be deposited in the Germanic Studies Library or with the Institute Director. At the conclusion of their stay, Fellows are required to write a short report on the progress made in their research.
Living accommodation is not provided and Fellows should make their own arrangements. A list of hotels and guest houses is on our website, and the University of London Accommodation office may also be able to assist. We may also be able to put award holders in touch with people offering private accommodation.
Financial Arrangements
The awards made are intended to contribute to the costs of accommodation during the Fellow’s stay in London. Payment is made direct to the award holder’s bank account at the beginning of the tenure of the Fellowship. Should the Fellow for any reason not take up the Fellowship, the funding must be immediately returned.
Fellows that do not have the right to reside and/or study in the UK will require a visa and must ascertain what category of visa is most suitable for them. You may be eligible to apply for a Standard Visitor Visa, which permits academics to visit for research purposes for periods of not more than six months.
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