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The International Hrant Dink Award, 15 September 2017, Turkey

Publish Date: Apr 07, 2017

Deadline: Apr 30, 2017

The International Hrant Dink Award winners will be announced on September 15th, 2017 for the ninth time.

Every year, the Award is presented to individuals, organizations or groups that work for a free and just world free from discrimination, racism and violence, who take personal risks for achieving those ideals, who break the stereotypes and use the language of peace and by doing so give inspiration and hope to others. By means of this Award, the Hrant Dink Foundation aims to remind to all those who struggle for these ideals that their voices are heard, their works are visible, they are not alone, and also to encourage everyone to fight for their ideals.

This year proposals for nominations will be accepted until April 30th!

How can I submit nomination?

Please nominate persons, organisations or institutions that fulfill the above mentioned criteria by submitting their names to Providing detailed information about your nominee will help the Jury in the selection process.

The list of The International Hrant Dink Award 2017 jury members is as follows:

  • Theresa Kachindamoto - 2016 International Hrant Dink Award laureate, a tribal chief who works for children’s human rights and education rights
  • Diyarbakır Barosu - 2016 International Hrant Dink Award lauraete, a civil society organisation that works for human rights and rule of law
  • Atom Egoyan - Director, scenarist and producer
  • Étienne Balibar - Philosopher
  • Christophe Deloire - Reporters Without Borders Secretary General
  • Michel Marian - Philosopher
  • Murathan Mungan - Poet, writer and literature critic
  • Şirin Tekeli - Feminist author and human rights activist
  • Rakel Dink - The President of Hrant Dink Foundation

The Award

The International Hrant Dink Award is presented annually under the aegis of the International Hrant Dink Foundation at an award ceremony organised on Hrant Dink’s birthday, September 15th.

Each year the award is granted to two individuals; one from Turkey and one from abroad. In addition to the award itself, after an annual scanning and reviewing process, the Award Committee makes a selection of individuals, institutions, organisations and initiatives that pursue activities in line with the principles of Hrant Dink Award and announces their names to the public during the award ceremony under the title of “Sparks”.

The candidates for the International Hrant Dink Award are either determined by the Award Committee according to the results of the respective annual review process and/or can be nominated by other individuals, organisations or institutions. Self-nominations will not be taken into consideration. 

All rights of the award logo created by Bülent Erkmen, award trophy designed by Erdağ Aksel, and the award music composed by Arto Tunçboyacıyan are reserved by the International Hrant Dink Foundation.

Principles and objectives

The International Hrant Dink Award is presented to individuals, organisations and groups that  give inspiration and hope to people for holding on to their struggle, that work for a more liberal and fair world free from discrimination, racism and violence, who take personal risks for achieving those ideals, who break the stereotypes and use the language of peace.

With this award, the International Hrant Dink Foundation aims to remind to all those who struggle for these ideals that their voices are heard, their works are visible, that they are not alone as well as to encourage entire humanity to fight for their ideals.

Organisation and Functioning The internal organisation of the International Hrant Dink Award consists of three bodies; namely the Board of Directors of the International Hrant Dink Foundation, the Award Committee of International Hrant Dink Award, and the International Jury. The relations among those bodies are based on the principles of delegation of responsibilities, autonomy, and oversight oversight.

Board of Directors: The Board is the body that represents and manages the Award and the awarding process. It chooses the members of the Award Committee in the beginning of each year and evaluates the Committee’s activities and carries out its audit at the end.

Award Committee: The Committee has three main tasks, respectively; a)To search for, examine and make a compilation of award nominees to be forwarded to the International Jury; to act as the secretariat of the Jury. b)To propose members and the chairperson of the International Jury to the Board of Directors and to propose replacements/renewals when necessary c)To coordinate the organisational aspects of the award, manage the finances and the logistics, organise the ceremony.

If it finds necessary, the Award committee can establish additional awards other than the International Hrant Dink Award. In this case, the Committee shall set up the necessary bodies as well as the juries of such additional awards.

The Award Committee is accountable to the Board of Directors. However, it has autonomy in its internal organisation, financing, administration, and decision making. At the end of each year, the Committee shall submit an annual activity report to the Board of Directors.

The Committee meets once in every month. At its first meeting, it chooses a chairperson and a general secretary among its members, divides tasks, and informs the Foundation’s Board of Directors on those decisions.  In its internal functioning, the main principle is to delegate tasks to several commissions. The chairperson and the general secretary are jointly responsible for the coordination of activities. The Committee makes its decisions unanimously.

Jury: The Jury consists of 9 members. 1 member is chosen among the members of the Award Committee, 2 members from Turkey and 4 members from other countries. Each year, the award winners from the previous year obtain the right to become members of the Jury. The Chairperson, appointed by the Award Committee, represents the Jury and makes public announcements on the awarded individuals, organisations and groups. The internal coordination of the Jury is handled by a jury member appointed by the Award Committee.

Activities of the Jury and the timeline: Every year on October 15th, the International Hrant Dink Award Committee makes a public announcement and starts the nomination process.  The members of the Jury are also named in the same announcement. The deadline for both the submission of nominations and the nominee selection process carried out by the Award Committee are is April 15th. The Award Committee decides on the nominees, prepares nominees’ files and submits the files to the Jury until May 15th after the approval of the Chair of the Committee and the Chair of the Board. The selection of the nominees, the preparation of the files and the submission of the names of nominees to the Jury are performed in confidentially. Even after the award winners are selected by the Jury, their names will be kept confidential. The members of the Jury complete their selections and inform the Chairperson until July 15th The voting takes place in two rounds. In the first round to be completed until July 1st, each jury member selects and ranks two candidates for each award category. The Chairperson then announces to the members of the Jury the two candidates that have the highest votes in each category. In the second round, decisions are made by majority voting and the names of the awardees are declared to the Award Committee no later than July 15th. In case of equal votes, the chairperson’s vote determines the final decision.

The names of the award winners are not announced to the public before the award ceremony. The Award Committee informs the awardees about the decision made by the Jury and gets their consent. In case the selected award winner refuses the award for various reasons, the award is presented to the individual/group that received the second rank.

This guideline takes effect upon the approval of the Board of Directors. The rules set in this guideline might be changed in line with the recommendations of the Award Committee following the approval of the Board of Directors.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

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