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Swedish Research Council Grant for International Collaboration within Personalised Medicine for Neurodegenerative Diseases 2020, Sweden

Publish Date: Jan 25, 2019

Deadline: Mar 19, 2019

Research project grant for international collaboration within personalised medicine for neurodegenerative diseases (JPND)

This grant aims to support international collaboration within the Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND) for research on personalised medicine for neurodegenerative diseases. Sweden, via the Swedish Research Council, is one of the 25 countries taking part in the JPND call, which rewards research of the highest scientific quality in international competition.

Support form

Research project support

Subject area

Medicine and Health


JPND: personalised medicine for neurodegenerative diseases 


Individual researcher who participates as 1 of maximum 2 Swedish project leaders in a consortium with partners from at least 3 participating countries. Only researchers at an administrating organisation approved by the Swedish Research Council may apply.

Grant period

3 years

Grant amount

Maximum 3 750 000 SEK in total for Swedish participation

Publication of grant award

No later than the beginning of November 2019

Start of grant period

January 2020

Application procedure

Grant applications within JPND are made in a two-stage procedure, where a simplified version of the application, known as an outline application, is first submitted. Applicants whose outline applications are approved shall then submit a full application. Both the outline application and full application are peer reviewed, and ranked in competition with other applications.

The application to the JPND consortium call shall be submitted by the research consortium’s international coordinator to JPND’s application system.

As a project leader representing a Swedish partner in the research consortium, you must submit the corresponding applications (outline application and full application respectively) via the Swedish Research Council’s application system Prisma in parallel with the international coordinator submitting the consortium application. Please note that for practical reasons, the parallel call in Prisma for you as the Swedish partner will close a few days later than in JPND’s application system. This applies for both the outline application and the full application.

JPND will make a decision on the outline applications in May 2019. The decision will be notified to the coordinator of the consortium with a statement in the form of a written comment.

The content of your outline application will be transferred automatically to the full application if your consortium is invited to submit a full application to JPND. You will thereafter have to update the content of your application to the Swedish Research Council, so that it corresponds to the full consortium application submitted to JPND, and also complete a section on ethical considerations. More information on this is available in the section “What must the application contain?” below.

The applications that are approved and invited to submit a full application shall do so in Prisma no later than 27 June 2019. The exact date will be notified to the Swedish partners in the consortiums invited to submit a full application to JPND.

Eligibility criteria for applicants

The following requirements must be fulfilled in order for you to be eligible to apply for the grant. We carry out checks to ensure ineligible applications are rejected from further processing.


The applicant for the project grant must be a participant in a JPND consortium, with 3–6 partners (including the project coordinator) from at least 3 participating countries. You can see full eligibility requirements for the composition of the consortium in the call text on JPND’s website. You must set aside adequate time for the project throughout the grant period, with a scope (activity level) that corresponds to at least 20 per cent of a full-time equivalent. You must hold a Swedish doctoral degree or a corresponding foreign degree, awarded no later than the deadline for this call. The degree award date we use is the date you fulfilled all the requirements for a doctoral degree, such as mandatory courses, oral defence and an approved doctoral thesis. For applicants with Swedish doctoral degrees, the award date listed in Ladok applies.

Grants from the Swedish Research Council shall be administered by a Swedish university or HEI or another Swedish public organisation that fulfils our criteria for administrating organisations. To apply, your organisation must therefore be approved as an administrating organisation. Please note therefore that Swedish researchers working for a company, for example, cannot be funded and may therefore not submit an application to the Swedish Research Council, even if they are part of a consortium application.

Costs and grant amounts

Grants may be applied for to finance all types of project-related costs, such as salaries (including your own salary, however no more than corresponding to your activity level in the project), premises, running costs (such as consumables, travel including stays at research facilities, publication costs and minor equipment), plus depreciation costs. Grants may not be used for scholarships. If a doctoral student participates, project funds may not be paid out as salary for the period when the doctoral student is teaching.

The maximum amount you may apply for for Swedish participation in a consortium is 3 750 000 SEK (around 360 000 EUR). A maximum of two Swedish participants may apply for funds within the same consortium. The maximum amount for all Swedish participants together is therefore 3 750 000 SEK (around 360 000 EUR).

Grant period

You may apply for a grant to cover 3 years, starting from January 2020. The first payment will be made during January 2020 at the earliest.

What must the application contain?

Please refer to JPND’s call text and the application form in Prisma in parallel with reading the instructions below, which describe the call-specific content of the application to the Swedish Research Council.


Foreign experts are involved in the scientific assessment of the applications within JPND. Applications must therefore be written in English.

Sections of the application

The application form in Prisma contains the following tabs (applies to both outline and full applications):

  • Descriptive information
  • Research description
  • Administrating organisation
  • Participants (only administrators in this call) 
  • CV

Descriptive information

The abstract shall include a brief description of:

  • what is to be done: purpose and aim
  • how the research will be carried out: project organisation, time plan and the scientific methods to be used
  • what is important about the planned research

The abstract shall provide a summary guide to the purpose and implementation of the research. Please use wording to ensure persons with another subject specialisation can understand the information.

The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces (approximately one third of an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing).

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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