Summer School - Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization, 3 - 6 July 2017, Netherlands

Publish Date: May 31, 2017

Deadline: Jun 16, 2017

Summer School on
Chiral Crystallization, Resolution & Deracemization

The goal of this summer school is to outline the basics of chirality and chiral purification in the context of crystallisation. In 1848 Louis Pasteur discovered that biological molecules can be chiral, i.e., occur in both a left-handed and a right-handed form. Such molecules are each other’s (non-superimposable) mirror image, but identical otherwise. In a normal chemical synthesis the two enantiomers will be produced in equal amounts. Life on earth, however, is found to be predominantly homochiral, with only one type of handedness present of a specific biomolecule. On the one hand this raises the fundamental question how this single-handedness occurred. On the other hand this has practical consequences since the human body can respond very differently to the two enantiomers and thus for pharmaceutical applications it is often necessary to produce a chirally pure product.

This summer school will teach the participants the current state of the art in different routes to produce chirally pure material. The focus is on methods involving crystallisation, and thus the school starts with the fundamentals of crystal growth and the crystallography of chiral compounds. Subsequently the most important chiral purification methods will be presented.

We encourage active participation \of the students by (1) having a discussion/exercise session after each lecture series and (2) organizing a poster session in which each participant has the opportunity to discuss his/her current research with the other participants.

registration details

Participants from academia, industry and alike are invited to join. The fee covers the lectures, daily coffee and lunch breaks and the excursion plus school dinner; accommodation is not included. There is no reduced fee for participants who will only partly attend the school.

CORE ESRs should follow the registration details in point 1 below only, payment is covered by the network wide training budget. 

This school is supported by COST Action CM 1402 Crystallize. Participants from groups that are part of this COST action (check with your supervisor!) will have to follow the normal registration procedure, but can have their expenses reimbursed using the standard COST procedures.

There is room for approximately 50 participants, so we advise you to register as early as possible.

If you want to join the school, please complete the following two steps:

(1) send an e-mail to with the following information:

  • subject: ITN CORE summer school
  • your name and affiliation
  • whether you are a member of a group participating in CORE or the COST Action CM 1402 Crystallize and want to have your costs reimbursed through this action.
  • the title of your poster

(2) pay the registration fee of € 350 using the following steps:

  • name: St. KU Radboud Universiteit
  • address: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • IBAN: NL08 ABNA 023124 7834
  • important: state ‘budgetnr 6201038’ with your payment

Once we have received your registration and payment, you will receive notification of your acceptance.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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